Part 2: Chapter 1 [When the Sun Goes Down]

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All establishments outside Verdentia Castle fell within two weeks following the death of Seraphina. 

The Lich army, under the command of the Lich King Talos, spread across the lands and encircled the inner land of Verdentia where the castle stood. 

All survivors of the attacks retreated behind the castle walls with the fading hope of escaping the darkness that hunted them. 

The King of Verdentia died during this time and the nurses suspected it was from the stress and grief of the turmoil surrounding the kingdom. This crowned the young Prince Kerlain as King of Verdentia.

The King's oracle had foretold the return of the Sun Goddess Seraphina and had mentioned her current location at the fallen village of Jaracha.

A hint of hope slithered its way back into Verdentia.

Their only hope was Seraphina.

Broken and betrayed, Seraphina.



I had nearly fallen to my knees when the new King had told me of the oracle's sight. She was alive. All of the guilt and shame that had tormented me these past few weeks came crashing into me. It made it hard to breathe. 

Somehow, I would make things right. 


"I've gathered the best of our warriors and enough resources to support the journey to Jaracha and back."

Collin looked at me, expecting me to say something. A brief look, likened to sympathy, flashed across his face as I turned away.

How could I face anyone after what I had done. 

"Ronan, we will fix this, she will listen-"

"No Collin. I will fix this. This is my burden to shoulder alone."

I grabbed the reigns of the black stallion and mounted it. It was tall and strong, courtesy of the new King himself. Shifting my gaze back to Collin, my eyes burnt with emotion.

"I will return with her. Do not allow any warrior to follow me."

Collin opened his mouth for a moment as if he wanted to say something to me. Thankfully for him, he realised I was too decided to be convinced otherwise. Instead, he cast me a slow, sad smile. He looked much older tonight. Older than I'd ever seen him. Tired.

"For the sake of everything good Ronan, return with her. She is all we have left."

It seemed most of the Verdentian barracks had lined up along the castle walls and around the gates to see me off. It made me sick to the stomach that any warrior here considered him worthy of such a display. As I passed them, I couldn't bring my face to smile. Not even to look out at these people with reassurance. I was all they had left - their strongest conjurer. Nearing the gate, I noticed Ian standing at the back of the crowd on the right of me. We met eyes, and the intensity of Ian's pained face drove my gaze forward; towards Jaracha. 

I could not fail.

Not again.

My heart began to throb, a common occurrence recently, but I made no move this time to soothe it. 

The stallion took off and my cloak flapped out behind me, picking up the winds as I travelled. 

It didn't matter what hoard of Lich stood in my way; I would not fail. Someday, somehow, I will atone for what I did to her. 



I grinned as the handsome daemon rode through the darkness of my new kingdom. How foolish this warrior had been, and how foolish this warrior is now.

For the sake of my pride, I will not unleash my army upon this desperate, ignorant magic conjurer. There was no need. Seraphina was too far gone, too betrayed to ever hear whatever reason the Earth daemon presented her. 

Of this, I am sure. 

Yes of this, I am certain.

Once the sun sets, not even the Earth can convince her to rise in spite of the moon; night was inevitable. My dark reign is inescapable. 

I leaned back in my familiar throne; a wicked monument carved from obsidian and dark stone, forged by the hands of the Lich army I had given birth to over so many years. 

I smiled - if not for the long-deserved achievement of ruling Verdentia then for all my dreadful ancestors who came before me and saw me unfit for the title of King.

Yes, this is well indeed.



Some pain is not lost to time.

Some guilt is never forgiven.

Some trust is never earnt back.

That is why I went home to Jaracha. I knew no one would be home. I knew very well that I would be alone. I chose to leave it all behind, to never to trust or love again. 

I knew the intentions of the dark lord - I knew he would destroy Verdentia. 

I sat in front of the Town Hall, my knees hugged to my chest and my head resting on them.

I'm so tired. 

So, so tired.

I think I've always known who I was. What I meant. And maybe even further inside myself, I knew it didn't matter. I never mattered. 

No amount of flame or fury would have been enough to save Verdentia; to save those who pushed her to the cliff. 

Somewhere deep inside me, in a place I hadn't been in a while, a piece of me had died. The Lich King had resurrected every part of me that wanted to be saved - and the rest was left at the bottom of that damned cliff. 

A silent tear rolled down my cheek.

The ocean went still.

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