Part 1: Chapter 13 [The Cliff]

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Her skin was still burning at the touch. He looked around her room for some sort of clue as to how to cool her down. She still hadn't stirred from her state of unconsciousness. Ronan picked her up bridal style and carried her to her small bathroom. She was wearing a thin silk nightgown that reached only to her mid thigh, telling him firstly that she'd tried this just after she'd woken up and secondly that he had to be mindful of where he put his hands. 

Placing her down in her unglamorous bathtub just big enough for her to lay in, Ronan turned the cold tap and began scooping the water over her body.

Wake up you idiot. I need you alive.

Feeling her head once more, he realised she had begun to cool down. The cold water began to steam and he quickly drained the bath. 

If I keep draining the water around her while I'm bathing her in the cool water then maybe the castle won't go up in flames.

Once Seraphina's body had cooled to a relatively normal temperature, Ronan sat back and sighed, looking to the roof of the bathroom in exasperation. He had come to check on her since she had not been present at warm-up, breakfast or the first half of training. Originally, Ronan intended on scolding her for being lazy but now he was just concerned on making sure she was okay. 

It's not like I care. I just need a strong sorcerer for this Lich problem. 

The Lich had been attacking outer villages more frequently; five of which were forced to evacuate to towns closer to the castle. The threat was becoming more imminent and he was falling into a worse state of stress as time passed. 

He looked down at her unmoving body. Despite being drenched from head to toe, she looked quite peaceful. Ronan studied her slim figure and decided she was quite beautiful. Her hair was long and black and flowed down around her like a curtain. She woke, looking at him, and he decided that her striking green eyes were his favourite thing about her face. 


Seraphina reached for her head and groaned. 

"I'm still bloody hungover."

Ronan chuckled and turned from her, about to stand up.

"No, wait! Don't go."

He turned back to Seraphina who had a hand outstretched towards him. Her eyes were pleading and he couldn't help but feel his heart strings be played with. Rolling his eyes, he turned back around.

"I'm not leaving. I'm finding you dry clothes."

Seraphina giggled, causing him to turn around in suspicion. She raised her fingers to her lips to imitate smoking a cigar.

"Should I just put a shirt on?"

Ronan shook his head in mock disappointment and left the bathroom to search through her wardrobe. He couldn't help but feel his lips turn up into a smile.

Get a grip on yourself. She's a pain in the ass and you can't train someone who is comfortable with you around.

 Ronan was unfamiliar with most of the dresses and fancy items in Seraphina's wardrobe so he settled on a simple loose shirt and baggy pants. He picked out a towel as well and made his way back to the bathroom. 

"Maybe don't try setting the castle on fire next time. You're banned from using magic inside from now on."

Seraphina pouted sarcastically and accepted the clothes gratefully. 

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