Part 1: Chapter 7 [A Searing Reality]

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Seraphina couldn't move.

Of course! My instructor is the person I've crapped off the most here at the castle. 

Despite Collin making his way over to him, Ronan kept his glare fixed on Seraphina. 

"Ronan, I must speak with you today. I asked to speak with you yesterday and you never showed up. It was important information about my visit to Jaracha - about Seraphina, our new trainee."

Collin waved his arms around in a gesture of frustration. Seraphina's hands felt cold and she directed her eyes to the rippling water to avoid Ronan's gaze. 

"I was busy." Was all Ronan offered. 

Collin crossed his arms.

"Well be not busy this afternoon. I need to talk to you about-"

"I get it Collin." 

Ronan patted Collin's shoulder like he was a child having a tantrum. 

"You don't need to discuss anything with me about her. I can sense her energy better than you; it's nothing special. I doubt she'll prove to be of any worth as a magic conjurer."

Many of the other students, still completely silent, had begun to look between her and the two senior Verdentian instructors. The tension had engulfed everyone around the shallow pool, bringing Seraphina unwanted attention that made her shift on her feet in discomfort. 

Ronan turned back to Seraphina, his eyes cold and his gaze steady. 

"Clutz, kneel in the water."

She did not hesitate to follow his command and immediately knelt down in the water. The water was surprisingly warm despite the winter temperatures, and she realised that it was peculiar that the water hadn't already completely frozen. 

Was there some sort of magic keeping it in a liquid state?

Collin, having realised he would get no where with the Daemon, left the pool shaking his head frustrated. He gave Seraphina a thumbs up before disappearing onto the field. She dared to look back at Ronan. He was still watching her.

Stay calm. If I do whatever he says then I should be alright.

Ronan sighed and rubbed his face, clearly annoyed that he had to train her. To her relief, he began giving groups of trainees certain exercises to do; they ranged from sit-ups and planks to strange movements that apparently helped the individual control their energy. Seraphina noticed Ronan never smiled. He wasn't cruel to the trainees, he just didn't have any compassion to offer anyone. 

Her heart rate quickened when Ronan eventually stopped at where she was kneeling, having left her to last. 

Please give me something I can do - nothing hard. Don't make a fool out of me.

Ronan looked at her without speaking. His face was like stone and betrayed none of his true intentions. He crossed his arms, causing his biceps to shift, and tilted his head thoughtfully. 

"I suppose I can't really expect you to perform anything impressive. You lack any form of muscle and you've already shown yourself to be clumsy and ignorant." 

Seraphina felt warmth rise to her cheeks and made the mistake of blurting out a sentence in her defence.

"You can't just judge me based on how I look, that's not fair!"

Ronan gaze hardened and Seraphina heard a few trainees whispering amongst each other. She drooped her shoulders realising she made a mistake. Ronan brought his face level to hers and spoke in a dangerously calm manner. 

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