Part 1: Chapter 3 [A Friend]

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Seraphina sat completely still. Her body was rigid and her hands felt unusually cold. Her eyes were wide as she processed the information she'd just learnt.

I have magic energy?

Collin waited patiently for her shock to pass. He offered her a reassuring smile and continued.

"Certain individuals in the ranks of the Verdentian warriors had sensed your magic energy during a visit to Jaracha a little while ago. They noted-"

He picked up another paper and read from it.

"That your energy was quite peculiar and warranted further investigation."

He looked back at Seraphina who was still wide eyed and unable to speak. 

"I had to see it for myself - it's not every day we find individuals who possess the means to use magic but have not inherited it from their parents. I have to agree, your energy is unusual. I would go as far as saying your energy is abnormally potent."

It was a few moments before Seraphina finally managed to say something. 

"I'm.. a magic wielder? How?"

Collin looked at her with pity. She hated nothing more than when others felt pitiful towards her.

"Well young Seraphina, you are an anomaly by many standards. Seeing as you can't yet harness your energy and manifest it as magic, you will need to be trained - hence my offer. Verdentia castle has many great and powerful magic wielders who can teach you how to use your energy. This is still your choice though, young miss. I will not force you into returning with me."

Seraphina looked down at her shaking hands and closed her eyes. Could she really become a magic wielder? She'd only heard of them in stories and nursery teachings; magic wielders were able to manifest their energy into physical magic to protect the Kingdom of Verdentia from threats like the Lich. 

In this state, no amount of magic would see me fit to fight even one Lich acolyte.

Seraphina opened her eyes and met Collin's gaze with hesitancy.

"If I accept your offer, will I be expected to fight Lich using magic?"

Collin tilted his head thoughtfully. 

"Not expected, but it's usually the most useful thing for a magic wielder to do. You will be expected to learn combat as part of your training, but no, not expected to actually fight."

Seraphina let out the breath she didn't realise she was holding.

"Can I... think about it?"

Collin nodded.

"Of course. You have until the end of the week when I return to Verdentia castle to give me an answer. Come and see me if you have any further questions."

At this, Seraphina stood up and turned towards the exit. Her legs felt weak. She hadn't realised her body was trembling until now. Stepping outside of the Town Hall, she noticed the winter air was extra cold. She could see her breath form a misty cloud as she wrapped her arms around herself.

What is going on? Why haven't I ever felt any magical energy? Wouldn't I be the first to know if I was able to wield magic?

Seraphina began her walk to the nursery, deep in thought. The wind was sharp today, and she felt every gust through her cotton dress. Her braids were beginning to look messy again and her skin was extra pale.

Too burrowed in thought, Seraphina didn't notice the Verdentian warrior with long brown hair who looked at her yesterday. She tripped over his foot and fell on her hands and knees in the snow. Her already cold hands immediately went numb. The warrior was quick to bend down and help her back to her feet, a gesture of kindness she was not used to.

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