Part 1: Chapter 6 [An Ember]

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Seraphina's heart was beating fast - her face was warm as a blush of embarrassment, hidden by the darkness of the hall, spread across her cheeks. She looked up fearfully at the man she had run into.

"Are you deaf or just stupid?"

The man had a deep voice that sounded naturally laced with authority. Arms crossed in front of his chest, the man leant down to see her more closely. She couldn't make out his face even after his shift in proximity - the hall was too dark. Seraphina noted that he smelt of cigar. 

"N-no, well I just didn't see you that's all.

The man scoffed.

"It's not that dark yet. If you can't see in this light, why not bring a lamp?"

He straightened himself back up before speaking again.

"What's your name?"

Seraphina helped herself back to her feet, rubbing the elbow that had made a painful impact with the ground. She brushed her hair out of her face. As she still couldn't see the man, she lowered her eyes to the ground.


"Why are you wandering the halls of the castle at this hour 'Seraphina'?"

"Because I missed dinner and... well I was going to the kitchen to get food."

The man took a lamp that was hanging on the hallway wall and lit it, catching Seraphina's attention and drawing her gaze from the ground to the light. He brought it up to his face, and Seraphina was able to see his sharp features - he had dark brown hair, nearly black in this lighting. He had deep-set eyes that created an intimidating expression. His jaw was strong, and right now it was tensed in anger. The light let her see that he had very prominent muscles 

"So you're forgetful and blind."

He handed Seraphina the lamp and walked past her without another word. 

Shit, I didn't catch his name. It's not like it matters now - he looked important so I doubt I'll meet him again.

She shrugged, holding the lamp out so she could see where she was going.

At least it was anger and not pity this time. 

Reaching the kitchen, Seraphina found several cupboards full of food. After rummaging for a while, she decided on a few berries - they reminded her of the ones that she would pick and eat from a bush in the yard of her old home in Jaracha. Her eyes pricked with tears as she remembered how simple it was then. She would share the berries with Finnick and they would laugh together. 

Finishing the berries in the kitchen, she picked up the lamp and walked back to her room. She realised she left a window open so her room was freezing, filled with the winter air. Seraphina groaned, placing the lamp next to the unlit one on her bedside table. She closed the window and climbed into bed, not bothering to change out of the dress she was wearing. Sleep came quick despite the cold.



Warmth spread across her chest. 

She looked down.

Flames poured out of her heart. 


I'm burning.

I'm burning.


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