Part 1: Chapter 4 [Nothing Left to Lose]

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Finnick and Seraphina stopped outside their house. Finnick wore an unusually grim expression as he turned to her.

"Look, I don't know why he's in such a mood but it's not good. Something has got him really worked up. Don't say anything irrational."

Seraphina crossed her arms and looked back at the front door. She couldn't think of anything she'd done wrong. Her previous fears crept back in.

Whatever it is that has angered him doesn't matter. Either way, he's going to strike me as punishment. 

"Will you stay near me Fin? I don't want to get hurt."

Her pleading expression drove Finnick to sigh deeply and run a hand through his hair. 

"You know I can't stand against our father, it'll only make matters worse. I'll stay near you though."

Seraphina nodded with apprehension. She looked away again before Finnick had time to look at her with pity. She'd had enough of people feeling sorry for her. 

Stepping into the house, she noticed how quiet it was. None of the lamps were on despite the outside darkness caused by the heavy winter clouds. She walked down the cold hallway towards the living room, Finnick shuffling behind her. Only her mother was seated at the table. When her mother looked up at her, Seraphina noticed that she had been crying. 

"Are you okay mother?"

Seraphina's words caused her mother's expression to turn from sadness to one of sympathy. This caused Seraphina to become angry inside. 


Seraphina's intense thoughts drove her to sit down at the table and calm herself - only to jump up in fright a few seconds later as a pot smashed into her shoulder. Her heart was beating fast as she realised her father was standing in the doorway of the room, eyes blazing in anger towards her. 

He threw a pot at me.

Seraphina's cotton dress started to stain red as a large cut on her shoulder caused by a shattered pot shard had begun to bleed. She could hear the muffled crying of her mum who had her head in her hands. Finnick leaned against wall, looking to his feet. It was a few more moments before her father spoke - his voice was far too calm.

"You brought them here, didn't you?"

Seraphina blinked in confusion, her ears ringing. 

"Brought who here?"

Her father gave her a smile he didn't mean and stepped once towards her.

"The Lich. It was you - your energy brought them here. Do you realise the danger you've brought to Jaracha?"

Seraphina quickly glanced from her father to Finnick; he looked just as confused as her. 


Her father clucked his tongue mocking disappointment. He took another step forward. A shiver of heat ran down her spine as his face fell to reflect his true emotions. His eyes were cold and angry - his face was hard and tense.

Is he going to kill me?

"Leave Jaracha or I will have you executed for being a traitor to the Kingdom of Verdentia. I know what you are. It's only a matter of time until others do as well."

Seraphina still didn't know what was going on, but she knew better than to stay and argue. Without another word, she hung her head low and made for the front door. She was once again met by the winter cold and the gusts of sharp wind - the open wound on her shoulder stung at every contact with the air, making her wince in pain. She made it a few paces outside her parents' property. 

What now?

She stared at the sky, numb to her thoughts and feelings. All she could feel was the cold. Seraphina knelt down into the snow. Her mind was as frozen as her body. Looking down at the ground, she noticed blood drops that had fallen into the snow. The wound on her shoulder wasn't life threatening, but it did need to be dealt with. 

I guess I could make a visit to the Medicinal Hall before I leave Jaracha. 

After I've finished sitting here.

In a moment.





She looked around.





Seraphina woke in a patient bed in the Medicinal Hall. She knew this before she opened her eyes because of the intense smell of herbs and the sounds of pained villagers requiring treatment. She felt a warm hand on hers.

"Sera, can you open your eyes?"

Her head was buzzing and her ears were ringing. Her body was covered in sweat. 

Open my eyes? 

She reluctantly opened them, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the light. Turning her head, she found that the she was accompanied by Bryce. He was giving her that all too familiar look of concern.

"Stop looking at me like that. I don't need your pity."

He quickly looked at the ground, his long brown hair falling over his face, and apologised.

"I'm sorry. I was just so worried when I found you. Your body was like ice. I didn't think you were gonna make it."

He took her hand in both of his. 

"Your hands are still cold. How are you feeling?"

Seraphina felt a lump forming at the back of her throat as tears formed in her eyes. 

Why do you care?

She took a deep breath in to calm her emotions and stop her tears from falling. Sitting up slowly, she answered. 

"I need to leave Jaracha. I'm not welcome here anymore."

Bryce gave her a look of confusion but nodded. 

"I'm sure that's not the case, but the good thing is that we leave for the inner land of Verdentia this afternoon. Captain Collin told me he wasn't going to make the decision to leave for you, so I'm glad you've woken."

By chance of timing, Collin entered the Medicinal Hall and made his way to Seraphina.

"Oh joy, she's awake."

His eyes studied her for signs of ill health. They stopped on her shoulder which was lightly bandaged. Noticing where he was looking, she became aware of the throbbing pain in her shoulder. Wincing, she shifted her weight so her shoulder was not straining. 

"Have you made a decision Seraphina? I don't mean to rush you, but we leave in a few hours and I need to know."

What have I got to lose? 

She heard a voice from deeper within.

Nothing. You are nothing. You have nothing. Be something. Go. 

Seraphina looked up at Collin, her chest burning with emotions. 

"Take me with you."

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