Generation ">"

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            “Okay students, we’ll talk more about “The Greater Awakening” when you all come back from recess.” Mrs. Crisp said to the class. Right on cue, the bell rang signaling the beginning of the favorite part of Moses’ day.

                Moses jolted out of his seat as soon as he heard the sweet call of freedom in the ringing of the school bell. He got a spot close to the beginning of the single file line of giddy twelve year olds, thirsty for that first taste of fresh air. When they finally reached the back door and Mrs. Crisp opened it up to let the first tiny cracks of bright sunlight slip through, it was as if the students were overtaken with frenzy at the sight of the golden rays. The structure and order that the single file line had brought just a second ago was immediately disregarded in favor for a more animalistic “first-to-the-swings” philosophy as soon as the door was opened.

                Moses, who was the fastest person in the classroom, reached the swings seconds ahead of everyone else. He promptly sat down to claim his prize and started swinging. As he built speed, and the wind began to flow, he couldn’t help but smile. He loved the feeling of swinging, and it was one of his favorite pastimes. His smile began to fade as he realized that he was slowing down, despite his vigorous efforts to swing higher and faster. He was flinging his legs as hard as he could, and practically throwing all his weight into the swing, but it was as if something was holding him back. Or someone?

                Moses thought of Charlie. He was a student in his classroom that was a Soop. He was a real jerk; he seemed to think that he was better than everyone in the classroom because he was a pretty strong Psych. He could easily be holding Moses back, but he couldn’t do that with his Cap™ on. He scanned the playground in search of Charlie. He eyes finally settled on him sitting on a bench staring intently at the swing Moses was on. With no Cap™ on.

                He quickly jumped off the swing and walked over to where Charlie was sitting. “Stop messing with my swing before I tell someone that you have your Cap™ off!” Moses said staring intently at Charlie. He didn’t really want any confrontation with the Soop, he was sure that it would be really one-sided. Moses, thinking he had made his point, turned to walk away. Unfortunately, some people love to push people just to see them lose it, and Charlie was the prime example of such a person. So, when Moses felt his foot being pulled from underneath him in the middle of a step, he already had a pretty good idea of who to blame by the time his body hit the ground.

                Moses got up, wiped the dirt off his pants, and turned to face the Charlie. His fists were balled in anger and he was staring intently at his eyes.         

                “Dude! What’s your problem? Are you dumb, or do you just want to be shipped off to Assignment?”  He snarled at Charlie. It was at this time that Moses realized from the “oooh”s and other instigating comments that erupted that a small crowd had gathered around the two, anxious to see a good ole’ playground fight.   

                “Don’t call me dumb!” He said, then quickly punched Moses in the stomach deftly knocking the wind from him. Moses clutched his stomach and fell to the ground. His whole world was shaking, and he felt like his stomach might have a permanent fist-shaped dent in it. Moses thought about the crowd of students and realized he couldn't let that slide. He had to stand up for himself.

              "Who's the dumb one now?" He heard Charlie's voice taunting him from above him. As he clutched his sides, he began to find it easier to breathe and the pain in his stomach began to dull. His whole body was burning hot with anger. What was this dude’s problem? Did he really think that being a Soop meant he could do whatever he wanted to do? Someone definitely needed to teach this dude a lesson.

                Moses rose to his feet, taking note that the small crowd had been transformed into the majority of his classmates gathered all the way around them forming a perfect circle encasing the two. Moses balled his fists up again and ran straight towards Charlie, cocking his fist back and throwing it into his stomach as hard as he could. Moses expected to hear the sound of air being quickly expelled from Charlie’s diaphragm, the soft flesh of his stomach, and the overall happy feeling of knowing he had brought that jerk down a few pegs. Unfortunately, he felt none of these. In fact he didn’t know what he was feeling, but something had a hold of his hand.

                “That was a mistake.” Charlie said, and a second later Moses could feel himself being slowly lifted off the ground. He was clawing at his neck and couldn’t breathe as an invisible force tightened around his throat. “You’ve always been annoying. You think you’re better than everyone else, because you can get to the swings first. You’re not entitled to anything. You’re not special!” He said, and Moses could feel the grip getting tighter with each sentence. His head began to feel light, and his heart was beating in his chest faster than it ever had. No. He couldn’t let it end like this. Definitely not with everyone watching. Not to this jerk. He could feel his anger all over his body as he mustered all of the strength he could manage to throw a punch at Charlie. His punch was a lot weaker than he thought it would be, which was probably because he could barely feel his arm when he through it. But as his hand collided with Charlie’s face softly, all the heat he had been feeling in his body focused on the point of contact between his hand and Charlie’s face.

                Almost instantly he fell to the ground as the grip that was around his neck completely disappeared. A few feet away Charlie was concentrating on him, his face overtaken with confusion.

                “What did you do to me?” He screamed, charging at Moses, who had still been taking this time to try to catch his breath. As Charlie descended upon him, he knew he didn’t have the energy or balance to fight anyone at the moment, so he put his hands up and braced himself for the attack. As soon as Moses raised his hands in defense, Charlie was thrown a couple yards back seemingly out of nowhere.

                After sitting on the ground for a few seconds and gaining his bearings, Charlie finally put the outcome of the situation together and screamed “YOU’RE A SOOP?!” at Moses. Well, to be precise, it was at Moses’ backside, because was already well away from the ground running.

Six Years Later…

                Moses woke up and went to his small bathroom to relieve himself as he did every morning. He then brushed his teeth and took a shower, which were also on par with his normal routine. He was just about to start making breakfast when he got a knock on his door, which was the furthest thing from normal for Moses. No one visited him. No one knew where he lived.  And that’s how he had wanted it to stay. As he walked to the door to see who it was, he had an inkling that he already knew.

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