Part Two

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Part Two

                Moses’ suspicions were confirmed and the inkling feeling in his stomach blossomed into a full-fledged stampede of nerves when he saw the three Agents, outside his door. Moses had dealt with these guys before; they seemed to want to capture him. He’d never gotten caught by them though, and he didn’t intend to now. Moses instantly reacting, ran to his room to grab his Gloves™ and his bag, and walked over to his window. As Moses was lifting his window, preparing to jump out, he heard the sound of his door splitting in two.  As he rested on the window sill he quickly put on his Gloves™ and looked down at the garbage can beneath him. He focused on the garbage can lids momentarily and they easily swung open. He jumped from his eighth floor window just as the Agents began to enter his apartment.

                While he was falling, Moses didn’t think of life, death, or anything profound like that. He did however, realize that he had left his toothbrush sitting on his bathroom sink and that meant he would have to buy a new one. Great, where am I even gonna find another soft bri—Moses’s thoughts were interrupted as he crash landed into the garbage can. Instead of falling into the hard embrace of the metal garbage, he was now resting on a soft layer of cushion. In fact, he was lying on several layers of cushion from a collection of mattresses that he had stowed in the garbage for the very purpose of a quick escape. It was the perfect escape route; no one ever touched those things anymore.

                Moses climbed out the obsolete contraption and looked up to see one of the agents through his window searching through the room. He got out the garbage and swiftly shut the lid. It made a louder noise than he had anticipated, but even if it had been heard, now that the lid was closed, no one could use the same escape route. Well, at least Moses thought no one else could.

                What Moses hadn’t known was that up in his room, the Agent heard the metal clank as the lid closed. He looked down and saw Moses trying to run out of the alley. If Moses had been dealing with a normal group of Agents, it wouldn’t have mattered whether or not they’d seen him, because they wouldn’t be able to catch him. Unfortunately, Moses wasn’t dealing with a normal group. Normal groups more often than not consisted of humans armed to the teeth with experimental gear to boost their abilities. There are even some groups, usually much higher in rank, that employ the usage of lower level Soops.

                So, when Moses heard the sound of an agent crashing through his glass window, followed by the thunder-like explosion of noise that erupted when his body collided with the garbage can. The whole alley way then filled with feathers, torn mattress fabric, and fragments of glass, metal, and pavement. Moses stood stunned with his mouth agape. There was no way anyone could have survived that fall, if the impact hadn’t killed them, they’d have surely been impaled. But that didn’t explain why Moses still heard the unmistakable sound of metal creaking under someone’s weight. Moses figured it’d be smartest not to stick around to see what the outcome of the fall had been and decided to put as much distance between the dead/alive body in the trash. He ran to the end of the alley and was just about to turn onto the main street when two more Agents came from the shadows and blocked his exit. He turned around to see that the other member of their team had not only survived the fall, but he was seemingly unharmed and quickly closing the distance between Moses and himself.

                Moses knew he had to act before he lost what little leverage he had left. He focused his mind and discharged an invisible burst of energy from his outspread hands towards his three assailants. “Mr. Impenetrable Garbage Compacter” was sent flying back into the garbage can from the force of the blast. One of the Agents barring Moses’ exit was sent flying through the wall of the building near them and into the lower level parking garage. And finally the last assailant had simply put his hands up and wasn’t affected at all. It was as if he had absorbed it. Moses’ came to the realization as the Agent extended his hands that he had indeed absorbed it, and was now in the process of expelling it back at him. He sent another burst of energy to diffuse the one that was headed for him.

                Moses assessed the situation. He was up against three agents that were much stronger than those he’d ever encountered. Even if he could take them, by the time he was actually done fighting with them, there’d already be a backup group here to finish where they left off. There was only one thing to do. Thankfully, it was something that Moses had always been good at.

                As he motioned into his running stride and began to pick up speed, he was thankful that he’d always been fast. He ran right past the Agent who somehow tripped when he was trying to grab him. It was as if an invisible hand had grabbed his foot from under him in the middle of his step. Moses raced out of the alley and made a left turn, he was so close to the main street.  Then, he felt a large weight fall onto him from above and he collapsed onto the pavement.

                “What the—“ Moses was cut off by a large hand pressing his face into the concrete as what could only be a flying hippo raised itself off of his poor body. Every inch of him ached, but at the same time was thrilled to have that immense pressure alleviated. He looked up to see what was on him, and was surprised to see a giant blonde haired Agent with a grossly protruding belly. The Agent then began to shrink right before his eyes. He lost about a foot and a half, and easily 500 pounds. Moses was now looking at a skinny blonde haired kid in an Agent suit, although he couldn’t have been more than 18. The kid pulled out a gun and pointed it at Moses’ face.  Moses closed his eyes, felt a tiny pinch in his neck, and then everything went black.

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