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HerbanLegend, writing to you on New Year's Day, so HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I apologize for the SOOPer long wait for a Generation 3 update. And for how corny that just was. I'm also sorry that some of you may have gotten this notification and thought that this was the chapter where I was going to continue the story and finally let you know what happened when Jaxon and Moses finally got alone. This isn't that one. Sorry.

This is the author's note where I let you know why I've had Generation 3 on hold for so long and what to expect for it 's future. No, it's definitely not getting cancelled. I've been editing, planning, and revising for these last few months because of an idea I had to make the story better--in my eyes at least.

I've decided to expound on Jaxon's character in G3. Make the narrator describe his life almost as in-depth as Moses's is described. I'm going to go back and write some backstory chapters towards the beginning, show his dynamism, and also delve further into other characters. Most of the plot and action will be the same, but I do intend to re-vamp the writing and completely buffer out all the kinks.

Unfortunately, I don't plan to continue uploading chapters to Wattpad. I may edit and upload the chapters that I write for Jaxon, but I do not plan on developing the plot past the point it is at. Not on here at least.

It's my plan to have G3 available as a E-book by February or March. It will probably be free, but at the most it will only be $2. I realize that some of you may not want to go the extra step to find my writing, but it's my sincere hope that most of you will. When it gets closer to the date and more things are concrete, I'll let you know.

However, I don't want to make you all wait for updates and news without anything at all, so I'll be uploading character profiles, excerpts, and complete chapters to my tumblr, blog, and I'd be more than happy to e-mail them to you personally. Click the little green home on my profile or the external link to get to the tumblr and please don't hesitate to message me with complaints, advice, words of anger or support. 

--An added bonus is also that  I plan to begin uploading "Generation 2"--a series of short stories detailing the previous Soops, their powers and their stories. Those can be found in my Short Stories For You book when I upload them. Forewarning, I also write other types of short stories in there, some of them Rated R, so I'm not sure if Wattpad will make you follow me to read it or not. I apologize for any inconvenience.

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