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Louie flapped in my face bright and early at 04:30 in the morning. It's the time I always get up for school.

"Thank you." I gave him a small treat from the nightstand and got out of bed, remaking it instantly.

I went to turn the handle of the door to the bathroom, but it was locked. My eyebrows furrowed as I grabbed my wand from the nightstand.

"Alohomora." I said, but the door didn't budge.

I looked over to the two beds, Blaire was in hers but Astoria wasn't in hers. Then it hit me, Astoria was sleeping in the bathroom. Probably because of the liquor she drank.

"Fuck." I mumbled, grabbing my towel and shower products. I would use the common room shower, even though it was extremely stupid.

Nobody was awake, thankfully, but there were a few first years talking up the stairs. I rolled my eyes. Who even does that?

I put a quick charm on the room so that no one would hear or enter the bathroom at any given moment.

After my thirty minute shower was done, I wiped the condensation off the mirror and started doing my skincare. I never really had bad skin, yet I've been doing the same routine for the past seven years.

I wrapped the towel around my body and scrunched the water out of the light blonde hair I had. I wasn't really fond of having light hair, but I would never change it.

Once I had everything clean and organized how it was, I stepped out of the bathroom and into the common room.

"Good morning Bella." The I turned around abruptly, seeing Theo in the corner with messed up hair, loose pants and no shirt on. My face flushed once again.

"Good morning." I said back, turning back towards the staircase and going up the stairs, holding the towel close to my body. It was also hard not to drop anything.

Blaire was up and groggily getting ready for class, and Astoria was in the shower in our bathroom. I was the most practical out of the group.

"Breakfast is at 7:30, class is at 8:30." Blaire told me with a tired smile.

No Middle Ground // Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now