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"Please get out of bed." Blaire told me. I just stayed in the same position, tears silently running down my face.

I had moments like these every once in a while. I'd go off into the deep end, and I'd come back. It was a continuous thing that kept happening to me since before I could remember.

"She hasn't eaten in two days, Astoria." Blaire whispered to Astoria.

I wasn't hungry. I didn't need food. I wanted to leave this British shit hole and go back home.

I missed the way Joey gave me hugs and made me smile. I missed how Lizzie and I gossiped until our faces hurt. I missed how James drunkenly sang until our stomachs hurt from laughter.

None of that happened here. It was all dark. It was all depressing.

"Why don't you get Theo?" Astoria told Blaire, obviously fed up with the situation. "She trusts Theo."

I don't trust him at all. I wouldn't trust him with a single thing. He makes me sick to my stomach. He doesn't care about me.

"I'm talking to Naomi." Blaire angrily left the room, slamming the door in Astoria's face. Astoria scoffed and left the room calmly.

It's not the fact that I saw my dad, it's the fact that he's here in the first place. He knew I was here. He knew I was going to school here.

First, he doesn't see me when I go to his Italian house. Next, he makes me go to school in Britain. Then, he sends my little sister here to see me. Now, he shows up at the school like nothing is wrong.

I haven't seen him in eight years. A lot is wrong.

Louie flew down to my nightstand and looked down at me. His head cocked to the side, then pecked into the air.

No Middle Ground // Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now