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Louie sat on my bed frame as I studied the handbook from front to back. I wanted to be a good student here, unlike the last schools I was at.

"Fuck you bitch, the fuck are you talking about!?" The girl yelled at me, getting into my face.

My body language remained the same, looking down into her eyes and keeping a calm facade.

"I am talking about the way you're fucking with my sister." I said calmly, not breaking eye contact with the dark haired Russian girl.

My foreign exchange year.

A punch was thrown into my nose, making it bleed almost instantly. I stumbled backwards, but I didn't engage with the girl. I just looked at her.

"Is that all you've got for me, Svet?" I asked her calmly.

I heard my nose crack with the punch, my eyebrow was now bloody from her rings.

I grabbed her shoulder and put her in a headlock, squeezing my forearms right around her neck. Once I could feel her breath shallowing, I let her fall to the floor.

"Noah." I looked at the door, removing my thumb from the bridge of my nose.

I quickly grabbed my wand and pointed it towards Matteo, creating a blurry barrier so Louie wouldn't peck him in the neck.

"Tell him your name." I explained to Matteo, which he furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the bird who was trying to kill him.

"Matteo Riddle." He said awkwardly.

Louie calmed down and I took the barrier down. Louie sat on my bed frame once again as Matteo made his way over to my bed.

"Why aren't you down there?" He asked, leaning against the bed.

"I don't want to embarrass myself tomorrow." I looked up at him.

My let's we're crossed and my hair was messy. My makeup was still on, but barely. Just the mascara stayed.

No Middle Ground // Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now