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I stood outside the door of the castle, dressed in black slacks and a gray blazer; absolutely freezing my ass off in the cold. I was waiting for my sister.

The leather gloves on my hands weren't doing much for me, neither were the wool socks I was wearing with my shoes. I was still cold.

Finally, the carriage came up and my sister came out of it wearing almost the same thing I was, just lighter colors.

Her skin was tanner than mine, and her hair was her black like our fathers as mine was the mothers. Her lashes were darker and thicker. She was the better looking one of the two of us.

"Naomi." I waved at her, she came smiling and ran up to me, engulfing me in a tight hug I wasn't so fond of.

She pulled away and smiled. She was about 5'7" now, she probably was going to grow another inch in a year.

"You look so pretty," we made eye contact, I gave her a soft smile, taking her into the castle and making her luggage float behind us.

She took in all the scenery when we entered. She was amazed by the tall rock ceilings, the paintings that littered the walls and the moving staircases. She obviously hadn't seen this kind of stuff in Italy.

"There's four houses. Just tell the hat you'd like to be in Slytherin with me." I told her. "Say it in your head."

"I thought Slytherin was the house that held all the bad people?" She asked, my gaze turned towards her immeaditly.

It was weird hearing her speak. She spoke with an Italian accent mixed with an English one, and I swear I could hear French in how she spoke. It was surreal.

"It's not. I guarantee it." I looked down at her as we walked up the steps to Dumbledoors office.

His office was decorated in red and gold, lights and chandeliers filled the ceiling while royalty furniture filled the room.

"Ahh, Naomi Capulet." Dumbledore put his arms out in a welcoming manner.

Naomi smiled. "Sir!" She said with the same excitement.

No Middle Ground // Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now