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Theo never wore logos. It was in his signature dress. It pained him to wear the house serpart on his robes.

He handed me a gray sweatshirt, nothing else. It would be fine. He grabbed shorts that were tight as shit on my legs.

"Can we smoke?" I asked, my hair falling down past my shoulders. It felt weird being down.

I opened the window beside his bed, and Louie immediately flew out for a nightly breeze. He always did it at this time.

One leg was parched on the windowsill, the other was loosely dangling off the inside edge on the wall. My hair fell over my shoulder, making me put it behind my ear before I put the unlit blunt in my mouth.

Theo's eyes watched everything I was doing. His eyes traveled from my head all the way down to my toes. He was admiring the view.

"Let me take a picture of you." He walked over to his dresser, starting to move things around. "Please?"

I smiled, lighting the blunt as he snapped a picture. The flash didn't go off, but the picture still started to print.

"You look fucking gorgeous." He brought the small piece of paper over to me, showing me the picture.

My teeth were showing and the blunt was almost to my mouth, but not quite yet. My legs looked defined and the sweatshirt fit me perfectly. My rings sparkled in the picture, along with the silver cross I had on, so did the silver hoops.

"Do I actually look like that?" I looked down at Theo, pure shock on my face.

"You look better in person." He looked up at me, his elbows and forearms now resting on my right thigh.

He took the blunt from my hand and took a drag of it himself. His chin rested against my thigh as he looked up to the stars.

I watched Louie sore underneath the moon, the outline of his wings were prominent and detailed. He was white underneath, gray and black on top. His eyes were a darker blue which I liked. He was unique.

Theo whistled out the window, giving the blunt to me. He had smoked half, I had smoked half. His lungs were probably ash by now.

Louie came right into Theo's grip, landing on his forearm. Louie grave Theo a head rub on his shoulder, and I couldn't have seen a more beautiful smile.

I smashed the end of the blunt on the stone outside of the window and jumped down, Louie immediately came to me, landing on my shoulder.

"Handgelenk" Louie went down to my wrist, Theo watched everything.

"Nachtzeit" I told him, his eyelids immediately got droopy as I set him on the rim of one of Matteo's lamps.

"What's that mean?" Theo asked, looking at my face.

"Night time." I turned my body towards him. "German." We made eye contact.

"I like your accent." He told me. "It's different."

I smiled, that's the first time anybody has said that. "Thank you." I walked over to his bed, patting the spot beside me for him to get into.

He walked over to his side of the bed, getting underneath the covers and making it so I was resting between his biceps and shoulder. It was more comfortable than a pillow.

"I got you to smile tonight." He randomly said, staring at the ceiling.

I moved in closer to him. "I know." I grabbed his hand from the side of my head, inspecting it.

He wore three rings. One on his pinky, index and thumb. Pinky rings were always my favorite. My hands were a little smaller than his. My fingers were skinnier and thinner than his.

I gently pulled on his ring finger, cracking the knuckle. Theo jumped at the sudden feeling, looking down to my fingers.

"You don't ever crack your knuckles?" I asked, cracking another one of his fingers.

"That's disgusting." He told me as I cracked the upper joint of his thumb.

"You're fine." I ran my thumb over his knuckles, feeling how calloused they were.

Our skin tones were two different shades, yet they didn't look odd together. Mine was a yellowish white while Theo's was a tanner color. It was becoming winter, so he would get paler.

"Theo?" I asked, not interlacing our fingers but holding his hand.

"Hmm?" He hummed, turning on his side so I was in his arms.

"If we're still friends, Do you want to come with me back home over winter holiday?" I asked, turning into him so I was nuzzled into his neck.

"Where to?" His hand snakes around my waist.

"Germany. Where I grew up." I mumbled into his neck.

"Ill think about it, Bella." He pulled me closer and closed his eyes, his jawline right above my head.

I hesitantly moved up and pressed a small kiss to the corner of his jaw, then moved back down to my original spot. He smiled.

No Middle Ground // Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now