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"What's his deal?" Matteo whispered in my ear, seeing Theo was staring daggers into my eyes.

I shrugged. "Ran into him in the hallway, he was like that there." I looked up at him as I answered his question.

He nodded and we continued to listen to the professor ramble on about various constellations, which I had absolutely no interest in. I only had interest in the Dark Arts, which Luna Lovegood is in.

"Ms. Capulet, it's your turn." The professor brought me out of my gaze of looking up at the stars.

I calmly nodded, walking towards the telescope, bending over to look in the direction of the constellations. Nobody has found more than two.

"Well," I started out quietly. "Crux is right here, Andromeda is at the very top and Cassiopeia is at the bottom." I pulled away from the telescope, not putting the sights back where they were.

The professor furrowed his eyebrows and looked into the telescope, seeing the three I had just pointed out. He was in utter shock.

"Fucking show-off." Matteo laughed as all the other students saw the star patterns.

I elbowed his side a little while keeping a straight face. I don't want to give myself up too quickly.


"Wait, so he could have just fixed his hand himself, but he wants to be alone with you. That doesn't make any sense." Hermoine said in the Ravenclaw common room.

We were studying the history of magic, since I hadn't taken it in Two years and this was their first year taking it. We all needed to learn and relearn some things.

"I don't understand it either. It's like he's obsessed with me for some odd reason." I dipped my quill in ink, continuing to write in my notebook.

Hermoine laughed. "Theodore Nott, obsessed with somebody other than himself? I think not." She looked at me from across the desk.

No Middle Ground // Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now