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Is was the free period, and my god has Naomi made herself one of the most popular second years I've every fucking seen

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Is was the free period, and my god has Naomi made herself one of the most popular second years I've every fucking seen. I'm not jealous, just surprised.

"So, the Yule Ball is happening this year." Astoria announced at the table, even though everybody knew of it. "I think we should go to Hogsmead and look at dresses."

I looked up from my work and stared at her. "Don't you all have dresses already?" I asked.

Her eyes gave me a disgusted look, then turned her attention back to Pansy and Draco.

With the History homework pissing me off and the look she gave me, I was about to scream at her for nothing. Instead, I closed my ink and book and walked over to the Gryffindor table besides Hermoine.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked from beside her, she was sitting with two boys. A redhead and a boy with a weird scar on his head.

"Not at all, sit." She moved over for me, patting the spot beside her.

"Guys, this is my friend Noah," she looked at the two boys. "Ron, Harry."

"Blimey Hermoine, she knows who Harry is." Ron said with a stupid grin on his face.

My eyebrows furrowed. "Why would I know that?" I asked him.

Harry's face then lit up, looking dead into my eyes. "You don't know Harry Potter?" Ron asked, amazed.

"Never even heard of him." I said, looking back down into my books.

Harry laughed, Ron snickered. They were used to people knowing who they were, and they got humbled by the new girl.

"Hi guys!" Another redhead said as she took a seat next to Harry.

"Hi Ginny," Harry smiled, looking over at her. He liked her.

"This is Noah, she's really nice." Hermoine told her.

Ginny softly waved at me, and I did the same. She opened her books also.

Even though I was at a different table, I was taking Astoria's behavior very personally. The more I thought about it, the more agitated I got.

I eventually put a hole in my parchment from pressing my quill into the paper so hard. I cursed out in German, my native language.

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