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chapter one

"dear Satoru,"

gojō Satoru was born to be the greatest sorcerer the modern world would ever meet. being created among one of the three big clans of the jujutsu world, he was to carry the legacy of the powerful gojō's. from the beginning, that was considerably messed up: to put your entire burden on the shoulders of a child.

he who was blessed with the six eyes and infinity, a feat that minimum sorcerers in the family line had come with. for that, Satoru was to be used and abused with his abilities, higher-ups aiming to maintain their positions in the jujutsu world. the child, being a prodigy and genius, did not take long to realize that. however, with the lack of a purpose and goal, much less freedom, there was no reason for him to fight against it and rebel himself.

"that is, until that day, when i was born."

Satoru remembered it to be another day composed of the exact same routine as any other in his life. he was eight years-old, but already with a very strict set-up of studying and training. when night came, about 9 p.m., the boy was rushed to the hospital, claims about his mother giving birth to his sibling being shouted at his ears. since the woman had birthed Satoru, a blue gem that could go further than the sky, everyone had high hopes for the next person coming from her.

he was bored there. it seemed that time went slower as he sat alone —because, even as a child, people even from our clan already feared you— in a chair in front of the room his mother was. the boy didn't care about his sibling arriving, much less about his tired mom; although, that changed as soon as he was allowed to step into that cold and pale room.

the child stopped at the door, eyes wide at the scene of his mother smiling down at a baby girl sleeping in her arms. his father was there as well, a small and professional smile on his lips as he motioned for his boy to approach them. Satoru did not really pay attention to his progenitors, and, instead, went directly towards the baby.

"you always say that, ever since birth, i was the cutest person you had ever seen. i doubt that, all babies look like distorted knees."

he raised a hand towards the girl, but stopped midways when he realized his bigger hand could possibly hurt the small one who looked just so fragile under his eyes. so, he used just one finger and booked her little nose. amused, Satoru watched as his sister sneeze, opening her eyes that were an exact match to his own.

the same eyes that copied the skies, from its blue shade to even the illusion of cloud-shapes dancing within them. those long pearly white lashes that fluttered as she blinked a few times and he observed her.

when she looked at him, it was as if the entire axis of his world had shifted. for the first time, another person had their eyes on him not for how powerful he could be, but for who he was. she saw him for her older brother, he saw her for his baby sister. and then her gigantic grin came, with no teeth and just those disgusting gums, but it was still the biggest and most honest smile anyone had ever given him.

Satoru felt at home for the first time when she hugged his finger closer to her small body.

"ciela. you named me that. you told me it means 'sky', which was the first word you thought about when you saw me."

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