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chapter eleven

             a puff of silver hair caught the attention of the only female genin in team seven. she had hopes that being quiet would be enough for kakashi to decide to go after sasuke before her; it turned out that her performance had the opposite effect. the sensei was interested in finding out what the girl could do, quickly understanding that she had discovered the purpose of the exercise.

a low warm spark appeared behind the pinkette.

the grass beneath her black sandals were smudged against the dirt as ciela moved in what felt like slow motion to her, but came out with a surprising speed for someone who wasn't too dedicated to exercising in this life. there was already a kunai in her hand when she turned, landing an attack at the adult, who easily defended himself with another knife of the same kind. ciela jumped back, creating distance between them.

"not bad, you're more perceptive than i took you for," kakashi complimented, forcing a short smirk out of the sweet-looking girl.

she knew what was coming next, but it still didn't exactly prepare her to see the bodies of Naruto and sasuke badly injured, muttering her name between incoherent phrases she could not understand. she refused to look at them because, although knowing the truth, it made her sick on the stomach. wind seemed to clean the leaves on the ground, swirling in spirals around them, all so the scene was evident.

ciela got in a defensive instance, her kunai positioned in front of her body.

"then you should've expected me not to fall for such a cheep trick, sensei."

focusing over the boiling hot energy traveling through her entire body, the girl forced a stop over its course, only for it to return right after. the illusion kakashi had placed on her faded away, and she confidently smirked at him. it was quite impressive that a newly-promoted genin like sakura had enough control over her chakra to release herself from a genjutsu.

the silver-haired man chuckled beneath his breath, deciding against taking his pornographic novel out again.

"i must admit, i am starting to think that you are above your peers. especially the blond one. if you wanted to reach the top, i am sorry, but your teammates will obviously hold you back. it's hopeless now."

he watched as his student remained motionless, only staring at him.

'he is aware of what i'm trying to do and is trying to stop me,' ciela deduced, noting how he was trying to break the ideal that formed her so-called goal of changing the ninja world by molding the generation.

"nice try, kakashi-sensei," the girl mocked him. "but if all you're gonna do is talk in a futile attempt of setting me off the track, i'll have you know that i've got better things to do."

"you're a stubborn one, aren't you?" he asked back, crossing his arms. "not even gonna try taking the bells from me? such a coward, there isn't space in the shinobi world for people like you."

ciela snickered loudly at the man, shaking her head. Satoru would be slapping his knees, punching the ground, and rolling around in delight, laughing at the funny way kakashi wanted to discourage the girl from pursuing teamwork.

"s-sorry!" the pinkette cleared her throat. her teacher raised an eyebrow at her behavior, eye questioning what was so funny about what he said. "i just— well, i guess i am doing the right thing if you're ever so determined on making me give up."

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