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chapter eight

what was her dream?

hatake kakashi was the jōnin in charge of team 7, leading the genins: uzumaki Naruto, uchiha sasuke, and haruno sakura. while ciela was asleep, he had entered the classroom as the last one to present himself, and ordered them to meet up at the rooftop of the academy. sasuke left after seeing the man turning into smoke, but Naruto stayed to wake sakura up.

once the pair got there, after a silent run, kakashi wanted them to introduce themselves. he told the children to talk about their likes, dislikes, future dream, and hobbies. in fact, he even gave an example through introducing himself, but ended up sharing only his name.

"you, the one who was asleep, start." the silver-haired man's voice was authoritative, although he seemed really relaxed sitting against the railings.

in the normal script, Naruto would be the one to start; however, the girl figured she caught kakashi's attention by being asleep in an important event. she didn't have much time to think about a response, and she knew it would be a pure lie if she just squealed about sasuke the entire time like sakura did originally. ciela didn't want to be useless or just a female for the boys of the team to "compete" over, she wanted to be someone.

she wanted to be like her brother.

"i am haruno sakura," the pinkette began, the indecisive glint in her eyes becoming more confident as she spoke, as if some type of fire ignited in them. "i like anything art related, from music to literature to painting... and i love sweets, too. as for my dislikes, i haven't stopped to think about that in a long while, but i would say i don't like to be incapacitated."

"ciela," Satoru called.

the siblings were sat in the middle of
a park, on the soft and good-smelling
grass. ciela was making a flower crown,
Satoru was silently watching. there was
something odd that day, he wasn't behaving
normally. the usually talkative and
childish teenager was replaced by
a quiet and reflexive man. ciela didn't want
to invade, knowing that if she was to
know about something, he would
eventually tell her.

"yeah?" she replied, eyes now focusing
entirely on her brother.

"what do you think of the jujutsu world?"

ciela was eight years old by then,
but she already had an answer. better than
most people, the child was well aware
of the unfairness and injustices
surrounding this society.

"i hate it," she answered, receiving a
chuckle from Satoru as he laid a hand
over her head, messing her white

"good thing," he said, "because
i will change it entirely."

the three males were observing the pinkette, whose fists clenched tightly as she got lost in thought for a second. kakashi had to clear his throat rather loudly to bring her back, and when she did raise her head to meet his cold charcoal eyes again, he was forced to show minimum surprise.

after reading the records about sakura, he knew the type of student he would be dealing with: a girl who wasn't actually interested in becoming a ninja, and had a troublesome infatuation with one of her other teammates. with what kakashi knew about the pinkette, she seemed so innocent to the cruelties of the world, so naive and ignorant that it would eventually become an issue if she didn't wake up to reality.

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