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chapter two

ciela felt lost, as if her senses had been taken away from her along the sensation of her body. dark, pitch black, was all she saw; that is, if her eyes were even open, since she could not feel them. all the girl could was stay still, feeling absolutely nothing and being unable to do anything about it.

she expected different from death, honestly, but it was far too late to do something.

then, after god knows how long, her eyes shot open. her throat was burning and her hands were clenching around nothing, pain being the first feeling she got back. breathing seemed impossible as she tried to gasp for air, that now felt like an intruder to her body.

"sakura!" someone shouted from somewhere else, but ciela was still too shocked to understand it properly. "sakura, i am leaving now! don't be late for the academy!" a door was shut and the voice was gone.

ciela fell from her bed, thinking only about what the hell was happening. she felt her body failing her, not following her commands, as if it was an entire new thing. the immense amount of cursed energy she used to feel like ice through her veins was no longer there, and was instead replaced with something much warmer. she asked herself what happened to her eyes that, even opened, seemed blind, not localizing any energy like they always did.

then, when she was able to take a deep and correct breath, even with her body shaking, the girl was able to turn her head to the side. questions were swimming in a tormented sea in her mind as the eyes that reflected on the mirror next to her did not belong to the child. the familiar blue shade, her brother's trend mark as well as her's, was replaced by a sage shade of green. strands of pale pink hair fell over her face, feeling so unfamiliar when she used to have fluffy and smooth pearly white locks.

ciela started to hyperventilate, wondering where her brother was so he could help her. she didn't recognize her reflection, if that even was her, neither did she recognize anything in the room she was. but then, something clicked in her head and pure shock was placed on her face.

the one on the mirror was haruno sakura, from naruto.

"what...?" she mumbled, raising a hand to touch her face; it came out as a slap, but it didn't bother the girl. "how...? how...?" she choked on her words, terrified.

ciela was now sat on her messy bed, dressed in more appropriate clothes than just pajamas, staring at her —or, better yet, sakura's— reflection with dead eyes. how that happened, she still had absolutely no clue. perhaps, the girl guessed, it was some type of afterlife illusion to try and relax her soul. or her brain was creating things to distract her from pure boredom.

she chose to ignore the little voice in the back of her mind that knew that was a lie, considering how real everything felt.

anyways, ciela just frowned at sakura's image, questioning herself as to why, out of all characters, that was the one she took the body from. when all of them grew up, sakura was more likeable, but her child self was a nightmare for the girl. out of all of them, she was the most useless, superficial one, and ciela could go on for hours about why she despised that character, but she had other priorities.

standing up and adjusting her red clothing —the only thing besides formal dresses in the closet—, ciela opened her bedroom's door, taking a deep breath and mentally preparing herself for the anomalies she would face. there was a short corridor with two more doors, possibly sakura's parents' room and a bathroom, then a small staircase. with naked feet, the girl walked down, feeling nauseous at the weird sensations.

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