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chapter five

"we are about to begin the graduation test," iruka began the explanation, "when your name is called, please proceed to the classroom next door. the test will be on the clone jutsu."

ciela took a deep breath, clenching her fists underneath the desk she was sharing with hinata. she was wearing a different outfit from usual; to make sakura's mother happy, she was wearing the new clothes she had bought for the girl. her intentions were hidden as 'wanting a change to symbolize the new beginning', but she just didn't like sakura's normal clothes.

she had a pair of black shorts on, and only one white sock that reached her right knee. then, a black tank top underneath a red and white jacket. ciela felt a bit more at home in the more modern fit, and chose to ignore how the other students eyed her weirdly, especially ino. however, her fashion choice was not the main worry at the moment.

the clone jutsu test was.

after passing out from crying, ciela woke up in sakura's bedroom, in the middle of the night. she hadn't gone back to sleep and, instead, decided to stay up to study and practice the jutsu. it didn't take too long for her to make the glorious feat of creating a perfect pair of sakura clones, that started studying with her too. the funny part is that she passed out in the beginning of the morning, and had to be dragged out of bed by her 'mother'; sakura had a low reserve of natural chakra, she learned.

turning to her side, ciela saw hinata fidgeting with her fingers and biting her lip, anxious. she smiled a bit, finding herself sharing those emotions and thus connecting with the nervous girl.

"hey, hinata-san," ciela called in a whisper, ignoring the first student who was leaving to take the test.

"h-huh? s-sakura-san?" the bluenette stuttered shyly.

"i am sure you will nail it, don't torture yourself worrying that much!" she offered a grin, making the hyūga turn into a tomato. "i mean, we trained for this, right? we can do it, i am sure we can."

"don't worry, cici," her brother
whispered, patting her head. "you
have been doing everything the doc
ordered, it will be alright."

"thank you... sa-sakura-san..." hinata uttered, gulping saliva and giving back a very small smile. ciela could see she was thankful through her pale eyes, however, that flashed gratitude at her. "you will do well too..."

"thank you, hinata-san."

"haruno sakura," a teacher called, and ciela wanted to sulk at that.

she didn't particularly enjoy tests, much less those she didn't feel too prepared for. being for real, she had learned the jutsu just a few hours ago. still, the pinkette stood up, receiving a shy smile from her companion. when she walked past Naruto, he called for her name, making her stop and look back.

he looked as red as hinata.

"u-uh, you– i mean, luck– I MEAN-!"

ciela chuckled at his stutter, finding his extroverted and loud persona refreshing when her nerves were screaming in her head. she nodded, not needing any more words from him to understand what he was trying to say.

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