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chapter six

ciela felt homesick. she woke up a tad bit earlier than supposed to, so she got ready and just waited in silence for the time she had to go to the academy. at each second that passed by, the girl felt more empty, like life was being sucked out of her again. her heart beat in a weirdly dead way, as if it didn't even want to do so.

her sage eyes were glued at the headband she was holding as the pinkette was sat on her bed. she had yet to put it on, and the girl did not know how to do so. a frown reached her face as she stared at her reflection, that looked nothing like her and was actually just sakura.

before getting more depressed, sulking in her own thoughts, the alarm clock she set up started ringing. the kid got up calmly and, paying close attention to every detail in her vision, she walked outside. headband in hands, but not on her head.

"goodbye, mother," the words felt bittersweet as they left her lips.

"bye bye, sweetheart!" she heard before shutting the door close.

exactly like the first day ciela was there, she could only stare at the deep blue sky with few to no clouds decorating it.

'onii-san...' the girl thought dejectedly, a sigh escaping her lips. she begged for any type of greater force to at least give a sign of how he was doing; there was nothing. there never was anything. she screamed at god for answers, but the sky was as empty as she was.

"oi! sakura!" a voice pulled ciela back down to earth, and her head shot towards the caller.

ino stood a few feet away from the pinkette, a curious eyebrow raised. they were in front of a flower shop, ciela realized, noting it to be the blonde's house. normally, ino would have spat some type of insult, sakura would be quick to reply in the same tone, and then they would argue until getting to the academy.

"morning." ino smirked.

"morning..." ciela mumbled back, forcing a smile to curl up her lips. "the headband fits well your outfit."

ino, like a few other characters, wore her headband in an unconventional way. instead of covering her forehead with it, the blonde tied it around her waist. though, as ciela complimented, she did believe it was a better fit for the yamanaka; it had some type of sensuality to it that fitted the premise of the character, as well as a nice combination with her purple clothes that added this message to the look.

the blonde widened her eyes, mouth opening in shock. ino blinked her pale blue-greenish eyes rapidly, surprised.

"what?!" she shouted, gaining a few glances from bystanders. "i mean–" her pale face gained a reddish tint as she skipped her steps to meet with ciela, and they walked side by side towards the academy. "uhm, yeah, thank you..."

they were quiet after that, and ino couldn't help but notice how distant sakura was. she watched as the pinkette's sage green eyes did not stay on the real world, but rather drifted in whatever daydream the other girl was having. and then, the blonde noticed the headband hanging loosely in the her companion's hand.

"hey, you haven't put yours on," she pointed out.

"oh..." ciela uttered quietly, shaking her head. "i didn't know where to put. that's all."

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