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chapter seven

            between them three, ciela could point out one obvious similarity: loneliness. perhaps normal sakura couldn't relate nor understand the other two boys she was teamed up with, but ciela definitely was able to. she knew what it was to have that growing pain consuming your heart and mind at all times, no matter how much you try to run away from it.

Naruto grew up without his parents, having to learn survival by himself, while the village despised his very existence. iruka assumed the role of some type of father figure who would put limits on the kid, as well as teach him what to do, but even that was not enough.

sasuke started his life happy, although with some family difficulties. things fell off of the track when he lost everyone he had ever loved to the one he loved the most, inducing an overwhelming hatred in his heart. he had to grow up knowing his family would never come back, and he was forever alone in the world.

ciela was neglected and hated on the very second she was born; her entire clan, including her parents, eyed her as if she was the worst thing to ever come to be. the only one to show her love was Satoru. despite that, not even him could dull all the pain she had to go through with her conditions. now, she was also alone.

somehow, being the one among the team to be aware of that fact gave her some sort of comfort and warmth. they understood the pain she felt, the emptiness and longing that never faded away. she decided this was a great chance to try something new.

the genins were leaving the classroom, ready to lunch. ciela watched as Naruto was thinking hard, playing with his fingers as he stood next to her. the blond was trying to find the courage to ask her for lunch. sasuke seemed distracted, as if debating whether to stay by himself in the classroom or go into somewhere peaceful.

then, ciela's stomach growled in hunger. with a new body that can actually take in larger amounts of food, the girl found herself hungrier than she used to be when alive. this got the attention of the two males. that was the perfect opportunity.

"Naruto-kun, sasuke-kun," she called both boys, the blond eagerly waiting for her next words while the ravenet seemed impatient. ciela smiled at them, raising three containers filled with food she prepared with sakura's mother. "let's have lunch together?"

"YES!" Naruto shouted, standing up and almost knocking the desk away.

"hmph." sasuke too stood up, but started walking away from them.

a soft, cold and small hand grasped his wrist, enough strength to actually stop him. he glared at the pinkette, but all he got back was a gentle smile and eyes he could not read, swirling in some type of melancholy that felt familiar. Naruto stayed next to the girl, holding his container happily.

"let go of me," sasuke ordered, but the girl only chuckled at him like he was joking.

"nope! we are having lunch together; we are a team now, after all!" she cheered, pulling him with her as Naruto skipped like a puppy next to them, cheering about free food.

            Naruto told ciela —whom he believed to be sakura— and sasuke all about ramen, eventually having to run to the bathroom in pure despair, thus leaving the other two alone. the uchiha did not seem content, but not angry either. he was just quiet, eating the food ciela gave him in pure silence and elegance, the complete opposite of how the blond was eating before his emergency.

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