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chapter twelve

Satoru was brave. he was the type of person to break through any and all barriers placed to stop him. there was nothing in the world that could tie his wings down, and like a bird he flew free under his own wishes, dancing with the wind. he had no fears, as to he knew he could overcome any situation if he put enough effort on them.

ciela was different. she was a very fearful child, who could only found comfort in her brother's warm and protective presence. all she had ever known were barriers, set by the gods people prayed to, those superior puppeteers that must've despised her existence like her entire clan. she was a coward, she knew that, but could you blame her when her body was so fragile that even the smallest mistake could bring it to death?

that was one of the reasons to why ciela looked up to Satoru so much; he was like her super hero. strong, brave, determined; the boy was so incredible under her innocent blue eyes. she aimed to be like that, to be able to stand by his side one day, instead of behind his back. and now, in this afterlife illusion, she had this chance; the chance to follow his steps and become the person she always dreamed to be.

perhaps, that's why she felt so down at her failure.

ciela obviously knew things would be solved without her intervention, kakashi would end up passing them after seeing a display of comradery. however, she did, indeed, try to change things and show them a different way. and she failed.

would Satoru be disappointed?

"woah! your stomachs are growling!"

Naruto was tied up against the log in the middle, his stomach growling the loudest among them, and he was rather depressed and pouty about his loss. sasuke was on one of his sides, glaring at kakashi, who mocked their hunger. then, on the blond's other side, ciela was sat quietly, eyes on the ground as her eyebrows squinted closer.

"by the way, about this exercise..." kakashi kept going, raising one hand as if lecturing the kids. "well, there is no need for you guys to go back to the academy."

while Naruto's face easily turned into an enormous grin, sasuke smirked arrogantly. kakashi noted that his female student did not show any interest, much less happiness, over his words. from how clouded her sage eyes were, he assumed she was deep in thought about something else.

"then, then!" Naruto cheered. "that means the three of us—!"

"yes, the three of you..." kakashi smiled at them, but all that was visible was his right eye turning into a crescent moon. "...must quit being ninja!"

the excitement was washed out of the children's faces like a tsunami hit them.

"quit being ninja?! what do you mean, dattebayo?!" the knucklehead protested, desperate. "it's true, we weren't able to take the bells. but why do we have to quit?!"

ciela grimaced, feeling the genuine sadness and pain overflowing Naruto. suddenly, the wind that used to kiss her face became freezing cold, hostile, and a cloud covered the kids from the sun. she hated how it added to her self pity melancholy when Naruto usually was what she used to avoid those feelings.

the silver-haired man rested his hands on his waist, tiredly forcing himself to explain the situation, "it's because you're all brats who are unqualified to be shinobi."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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