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chapter ten

            "well, at least you came with the intent to kill me." kakashi laughed, letting Naruto free. "i feel like i'm starting to like you guys." he watched as the determination in the three sets of eyes did not fade in the slightest, and, instead, shined brighter. "we're going to start. ready..."

ciela felt a burning excitement bubbling inside her stomach, filling her body with some sort of adrenaline she had never met before. Satoru's image popped up in her mind, his fluffy white hair and enormous grin, sky eyes looking at her as if she was the best thing in his life. a painful and somber smile traced her lips; she wanted to make him proud.


faster than ciela imagined she could do, she jumped backwards and hid among the bushes of the forest. the girl was well aware that sasuke was on the other side of the field, on top of a tree and between its leaves. his chakra was warm, like all chakra nature in this world; thus, when ciela was born with the innate ability to detect the freezing cold cursed energy, finding the hot life energy was easy. nevertheless, it was a skill she had to practice more. after all, the girl could feel sasuke's chakra in that area, but not as narrowed and specific as she wished to.

the only one not to hide was the infamous blond knucklehead, Naruto, and with his stupid smile he stood in front of kakashi, shouting something about fighting him directly.

'a jōnin like kakashi...' ciela squinted her, or sakura's, green eyes. 'sasuke stands as our strongest genin, and even him could not beat kakashi on his own in the anime.' she wanted to snicker, a mixture of happiness and sadness embracing her body at the memory of the scenes passing by on the television, her brother laughing loudly, almost falling off her bed, as sasuke got his ass beat so easily.

ciela shook her head, lightly slapping her cheek to evade the depressing melancholy coming back. to busy her mind, the child kept on thinking about the current situation. it was supposed to be an exciting event to her.

'when sensei felt sasuke's potential, he went harder on him, especially because he was alone.' the girl had debated that early in the morning, eating breakfast silently to not wake up sakura's parents. 'kakashi will only give us an opening if he sees that the three of us are working together, nothing less, nothing more...' her grip on the ground tightened as Naruto started to fight kakashi, while the man read his porn book open in the wild. 'i will never get those two to work together, will i? i guess its still worth trying?'

sage green eyes widened suddenly, glued to the hand sign kakashi made as he stayed crouched behind Naruto. ciela covered her mouth instantly, knowing what was to come. in a second, she couldn't hold back the huge laughs that escaped her. this scene always got her, 'damnit!'

Naruto was sent flying away by their teacher, who used the infamous taijutsu technique: one thousand years of death. thankfully, kakashi did not bother going after "sakura" at that moment, even if she gave away her spot, expecting the knucklehead to still have something else to show.

using that in her favor, ciela skipped away in pure silence, a trick she had learned with her older brother so that their parents could not hear them sneaking out. she had to find sasuke, and she had to be quick.

'hmm? she is moving already, assumedly for exposing her position.' kakashi raised his eyes from the book, Naruto still in the lake. 'if i wasn't able to detect her chakra, it would be impossible to listen to her. she is going smoothly even through grass, leaves, branches, uneven ground... that's quite the surprise, even with the academy training to be silent on their steps.'

two shurikens came flying through the lake, but kakashi easily caught them with just two fingers raised. ciela gushed over how awesome this looked when in person. shaking her head, however, and regaining focus, the girl turned to all sides, trying to figure where the warmth radiated from as to she sensed sasuke's chakra somewhere up the trees. she spotted a dark blue shirt above her head, and jumped to meet the boy, startling him.

"huh?!" sasuke took out a kunai, raising it for an attack before realizing it was his teammate. his tensed shoulder dropped, as well as his arms. the weapon was back to his small bag, an annoyed expression already visible on his face. ciela was smiling at him. "what do you want?"

"let's work together: you, Naruto, and I!" she whisper-shouted. "this way, we can—"

"no," the emo interrupted, narrowing his eyes. "i don't need to work with Naruto, much less with you. the two of you will only drag me down."

"sasuke-kun, i don't think you understand the type of test we are in right now..." ciela insisted, gripping his wrist like she had done when she forced him to have lunch together.

"let go of me," he ordered.

"kakashi-sensei is a jōnin. there is no way a just-promoted genin will be able to beat him, it won't be different just because it's you." her sweet smile was long gone, replaced by a serious facade.

he scowled at her, shaking his arm and forcing her hands out of him.

"i won't tell you again, sakura." the boy turned to face kakashi, who was lecturing Naruto. the blond was tied upside down as to he fell for an obvious trap. "get. lost."

sasuke threw shurikens and kunais with a perfect timing, assuming their sensei had lowered his guard. ciela huffed, watching as they hit kakashi's side.

"nice going, now he knows where you are." the pinkette stood up, allowing her body to fall on her two feet on the grass. sasuke narrowed his onyx eyes at her, ignoring how she made no sound. "that's my cue to leave before he finds me as well, sasuke-kun. good luck."

he went back to kakashi, only to find a log replacing his body. sasuke cursed under his breath, trying to get away from there as fast as possible.

there was no luck that would save him from his own arrogance. ciela jumped away, running and hiding to find some escape towards Naruto.

'she noticed before him...' kakashi thought, analyzing the pair from the shadows of the trees. 'why did she even go up to him in the first place? now she is moving... towards Naruto, huh...' he smirked under his mask, nodding in realization. 'so someone already guessed what they need to do. it's a shame her team won't back her up on it.'

kakashi started his way to sakura, a smile hidden in his face.

'let's see what you can do, haruno.'

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