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"I thought you said you didn't know anyone with the last name Melbourne?"

"I said I didn't know any scientists called Melbourne," I corrected her, "Scientists."

"Well we clearly just met one Astra!" She huffed, slamming the drawer closed "He made me look like a little bitch in front of literally everyone, got some of his," She gestured to her now shiny elbow, "Hair gel stuff on me and sauntered away after kissing my wife's stomach!"

"Well aren't you a ball of sunshine today..."

"And you!" She stuffed her hands into the next open drawer, hauling out the next landyard filled with keys. "I saw the way he looked at you, well how he looked at 'Teegan'," She airquoted "I thought you said the human was head over heels for Kofi, you mentioned nothing about an affair."

"Because there wasn't one going on last time I checked!" I exclaimed, using my one hand to fiddle around with our handcuffs. "Kofi and Teegan have been in love for ten years! Ten!, which in human terms is basically like half their lives!"

She Looked at me with horror "They live two decades?"

"Yes?" i shrugged "Well basically, but anyways the point is she wouldn't just throw it away for a cheap affair, and besides Ambrose has always been a flirt."

"Oh so now your memories working again, you remember Ambrose when it's convenient huh?"

I huffed "It's not like that, I just," I dropped the metal so that I could reach up and rub the space between my brows "When you described-well when the journal described this criminal highly-intelligent mastermind I just...Ambrose was just not really what I had in mind."

"You shouldn't underestimate people, could really put us in some trouble later on if you're going around judging people at surface level," She pointed out to me, her eyes falling back onto the lanyard. "I think I found the key we're looking for."

"Took you long enough, sunshine," I snorted, getting to my feet and putting the thin metal into my pocket. As we packed up to exit Teegan's office I felt the need to further explain myself so I spoke up. "If you'd known him before you'd understand why I'd be skeptical to believe this," I gestured to our surroundings, "Was his idea."

"What? Is he some sort of sweet guy?" She asked, pulling the key we needed from the lanyard and holding it between her teeth so she could fix up the drawer.

I frowned "Quite the opposite actually," I said, "Ambrose Melbourne is what i'd describe as average, a bit below that in intelligence but the only competent thing I can think of about him is his looks and even those are just above subpar."

"Do the people of earth consider him stunning?' Sol asked, as we exited Teegans office.

I cringed "Kinda, beauty is weird there but I guess he'd be a looker back on earth. But thats not the point. The only great thing about Ambrose was his parents," I told her honestly as we used a map to direct ourselves to the basement. 'They were considered to have some of the biggest brains on the planet when they were alive."

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