Chapter 1

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I wake up peacefully but cold as I slept outside in a fort I made far away from everything that I built out of wood and rope. I drove here on my bike. I look at the time and realize it's 6am and I should start getting ready for school.

Realizing I have no clean clothes to wear and I have to go back to that house. I turn on my bike to warm up and grab my backpack and the rest of my stuff and get on and leave.

I get there at about 6:15am but I park a little down the street to avoid being heard or seen. I walk down the road to the house and pull myself up the tree using my upper body strength and climb the rest of the way up.

I try to open the window and realize that it's jammed shut.

What the fuck

I start pushing the window as hardly and gently as possible without breaking it or making any loud noises and finally it comes loose and I go inside and get dressed quickly.

I don't like dressing up so I don't even have any fancy clothes. I put on a skin tight black long sleeve shirt and grey sweat pants. I didn't do my hair and left it "wild" as my mom used to say. But's it's not it's just...curly.

I get back on my bike put my helmet on and start riding to school.

It's about 7:00 when I get there and class starts in about 15 minutes instead of walking around I just went to class and sat down.

A few minutes later while I'm waiting for class to start these two boys come up to me.

"Hey my friend wants to sit here. gotta move" he says.

"I don't give a fuck about you or your friend." I say and they look taken aback. Like they're shocked or something.

"You watch your damn mouth. Do you know who-" he starts but I put my beats on my head and ignore them.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the man go to say something else his friend, the one that wanted to sit here, taps his shoulder and says something and they both walk away.

They are both fine

When class is over I go to leave but the teacher then stops me. She's the only person I actually like in my life. Ms. T

"Oh Vanity! Wait. I have a favor to ask you." She says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I was wondering..."

Here we go...

"Would you be able to show this young man around? I'll write you a pass no matter how long it takes. He's new here and you know every single spot in this place. So please?" She asks.

If she was any other teacher I would've said no. Also he tried to get his friend to push me out my seat. But I feel bad because she's a cool teacher but can't control the class.

"You know what sure..." I sigh.

"Ok that's fantastic. He's outside waiting for you." She says happily.

It makes me happy to see her happy. I don't know why. I'm never usually happy.

"Wait why do I have to show him. Can't you get someone else to do it?" I ask.

"Well everyone else is scared of him for some reason. And he also asked specifically for you. He said you don't seem to be scared of him" she says and I nod my head and walk out.

"Bye Ms.T" I wave at her and go outside the classroom to meet this kid I don't even see him.

I sigh and start to walk to my next class but then someone steps out in front of me. I almost bump into him.

"Watch where you're going. I almost hit you." I say coming off a bit more rude than I wanted to.

I should probably work on my people skills...

When I look up I see that it's the kid that I'm supposed to be showing around.

"I'm sorry. But can you show me around...?" He asks and I notice him looking me up and down. So I decide to do the same. I notice he has a couple of tattoos and one on his chest peeking up out of his shirt.

"Ok come on. And hurry up" I say while walking and he follows me.

"What class you got next?" I ask him and he looks at his schedule before answering.

"Uhmm... math...?" He say but it sounds like more of a question than an answer.

Damn his voice. It's so deep

"That's right here down the hall" I say and as we walk I can feel everyone staring at us.

"What the fuck are they staring at...?" I mutter and he hears this and starts to smirk.

Why is he looking like that?

I decide not to think anything else of it and when we get to his class I basically drop him off and leave him there before he can say anything else.

Then I go to my next class and sit down in my seat next a "friend", Violet. We're not really friends but since we sit next to each other we talk anyway because we both hate that class.

"Girllllll do you know who you were walking with????" She asks. Why does she always have to over exaggerate things?

"Yeah some random ass kid that can't find his way to class" I say.

"No girl. You don't know? I heard he was in a gang or something." She says and that genuinely makes me want to laugh a little.

"Girl you almost made me laugh. And I don't even smile" I say indicating that I don't believe her or give a damn about what he is or where he came from.

"I'm being serious Vanity. Why do you think everyone else is scared of him?" She say's seriously and now I know she ain't joking. But still. It's whatever.

"I don't know and really I don't care" I shrug and sit back in my seat as we at least try to listen to a little of the lesson.

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