Chapter 53

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"Thiago you know what's crazy?" I ask him and he looks up at me.

"What?" He asks.

"You let me drive your car while im blind as a bat" I say and his eyes widen.

"Oh shit...I forgot about that" he says and I laugh. Then he checks his phone.

"Well your glasses should be coming in today." He tells me.

"Good. When?" I ask and he looks through his phone for a second before looking back at me.

"They should be here in a hour." He tells me.

"Ok. That's not that long" I say and start walking away from him.

"Wait where are you going?" He asks me.

"I'm going to bother my mom" I tell him and he shakes his head and laughs. I go up to my mom's room and I open the door but she's not in there. I then decide to walk to Luis's room. And because I know she's in there I bust into the room like the police.

"What yall doing in here?" I ask in my deep voice. I then laugh because they were in the middle of a kiss and i interrupted.

I love myself.

"Vanity why do you always do this?" Luis asks me with attitude.

"Luis shut your ass up no one was talking to you" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Sienna don't be mean to Luis" my mom say and I straighten up.

"Yes ma'am" I say and she sighs.

"What do you want?" She asks me and I scoff.

"You're my mother. I can't talk to you without wanting something?" I ask her.

"You know I wasn't talking about that" she tells me.

"Ok fine. I came here because I haven't bothered you in a while" I say and she loudly groans.

"And as long as I'm alive you will neva eva, get rid of me" I tell her and Luis laughs. He's probably glad that Thiago is too old and boring for that.

"Please no" she says and I start laughing.

"Why not? I'm gonna do it anyway" I say and she gets up and leaves the room. My jaw drops open.

Well. That was rude.

I look at Luis and he's just sitting there laughing.

"You shut up. Damn" I say and he starts laughing even more. I turn around to start walking out but then he sits up.

"Hey Vanity I need to ask you something" he says and I turn around and look at him.

"What's up" I ask him back and he hesitates before speaking again.

"Ok so...your mom-"

"I don't want to have this conversation with you Luis" I tell him and go to walk out but he grabs me again.

"Can you not? I'm not gonna say anything weird." He tells me and I sigh.

"Alright what?" I ask him and he takes a deep breath.

"I want to take her out tonight but I don't know where we should go" he tells me and I smirk.

Oh so he wants my help...

"Well you should know what your woman likes" I say and go to walk out before he grabs me again.

"Alright fine what do you want this time?" He asks me and I smirk.

"Oh nothing me a new bike" I say and he looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Oh you want a bicycle? Yeah I can get you one" he says and I laugh and shake my head no.

"You're hilarious. I'm talking about a bike with a motor." I say and he scoffs.

"You already have a bike I'm not gonna buy you a new one" he says and I laugh.

"Ok I guess you want my mom to be miserable. And you don't want to see that lady angry. She will tear your ass apart" I say as I go to leave the room.

"Wait! Alright. Alright. Fine you can have that stupid bike." He tells me and I smirk.

"I want a Kawasaki ZX -4RR. I want it purple and I want my name etched into the side of it" I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"I don't even know what any of that means" he says and I smile.

"I'll send it to you" I say and send him a link. He opens his phone and looks at it.

"This bike is $10,000. And it's not even purple yet. You would have to get it wrapped" he tells me like I don't already know that.

"Then you better get your little goons to it then huh?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. Just tell me what I should do" he says and I nod.

"Take her to the club" I say to him and his eyes widen.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not doing that" he says and I laugh at him.

"Aww does little Louie have trust issues?" I ask and fake pout at him.

"I'm being serious. I can't take her there. And I don't have trust issues" he tells me and I scoff.

"Yeah right. So why can't you take her to the club then?" I ask him.

"Because...there will be other men trying to get her" he tells me and I laugh.

"You know you're like a mirror image of your son?" I ask him.

"Yes I know. He's my son" he says and I shrug.

"There's nothing else I can do?" He asks me and I shake my head no.

"You take her to the club or we," I motion between us "are gonna have a problem" I say to him and he sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Fine whatever" he says and goes to leave his room.

"And I better have my bike by the end of next month" I tell him and he waves me off and leaves anyway. I then get a text from Thiago.

Thiago: your glasses are here. Come to your room

Me: alright I'm coming

I close my phone and leave Luis's room and walk to my own. There's Thiago lying on my bed.

"Hey come here let me put these on you" he says and takes the glasses out the package and puts them on me. When he puts them on I look around and see everything.

I can actually see.

I smile as I look around at everything that I can see from where I'm sitting.

"Can you see?" He asks me and I nod while still looking around at everything that I can see.
I then get up to go to my bathroom to look in the mirror.

"I look unusual with glasses" I say as I look at them.

I do like them though.

"I think you look sexy with glasses on" he tells me and I look back at him.

"Of course you do. When do you not?" I ask him and he chuckles and puts his arms around me.

"You're right" he says and puts his head in my shoulder.

"Detach from me. Now" I say and he shakes his head. I sigh in annoyance and walk to my bed very slowly because he is clinging to my back. I lay down and he is still attached to me laying on my back.

"You must enjoy this" I say and he nods and squeezes me tighter.

"Yes I do" he says and I roll my eyes.

Well as long as he's happy...


(A/N- yay another chapter. Also I started writing my other book if yall want to check that out. We not number 1 in #africanamerican anymore 🥲)

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