Chapter 22

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Once I finish a couple reps I sit up to relax my breathing a little then I see Thiago come in the gym too.

Why is he everywhere I am?

He then starts walking towards me.

"You wanna spar?" He asks and I look at him a little confused.

He wants to fight?

"Like I fight?" I ask.

"What else could spar mean vanity?"

Alright. Don't get no attitude with me. I was just asking.

"Yeah. Let's spar" I say and get up and follow him to the little boxing ring that they have in there. I slide in and he climbs up and jumps the ropes.

"So what are the rules?" I ask him.

"First one pinned down" he say.

This little fucker thinks he's slick.

"Ok come on" I say and just stand there while he gets into a fighting position.

"What? That's it? You're not getting into a fighting position?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"Well most fights I've been in caught me off guard so I don't even know how" I tell him and continue to just stand there and wait for his first move.

"Well don't hold back either. I wanna see your fighting style" he tells me and I laugh.

"What? So you can beat me next time?" I say and he goes for a punch at my face and I move out of the way and punch his hand away from me.

I slowly go for a punch right to his face but he catches it and yanks me down to the ground. I hit the floor really hard.

This the type of shit that knock the wind out of you. Good thing I ain't no little weak bitch.

He gets on top of me, straddling my waist and holds my arms above my head so he's pinning me down.

Wow would you look at that. He won...I'd be lying if I said this isn't turning me on a little.

He then looks me up and down.

"I thought I told you not to hold back" he says with a bored expression.

"I didn't. You're just really fast and strong" I lie to him.

Maybe if he changed the rules of the game I wouldn't have held back. So this is his fault.

"You're lying to me" he says then leans down to get closer to me.

Damn I was that obvious?

"No im not" I say to him.

"I don't like it when you lie to me Vanity" he tells me.

I love it when you talk to me like that.

He starts staring at my lips then leans down closer to me but before he could do anything. The door to the gym opens.

"See! Look I told you!" When I hear the voice groan because I already know who it is.

That's D1 cockblocking if I've ever seen it.

Thiago looks caught off guard so I take that as a great time to mildly whoop his ass. His grip on my arms are loose and I release my arm, take his and flip him to the other side and he hits the ground just as hard.

"Are you ok?" I ask him and he's at a loss for words so he just nods.

When I look up, I see Diana and Rico.

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