The Hoe Chronicles Chapter 7

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"Ok so remember that guy I was telling you about? The one that wanted to sell me on the dark web?" I ask Kurtis and he nods.

"What about him" he asks.

"He said he wanted me to try on a outfit and go with him to that party thing" I say and he nods.

"I said that if the outfit was good enough, I'd go" I tell him.


"I'm going" I say and he holds his hand up for a high five.

"Mmmmhmmmm" he hums as I hit his hand.

"Well you was coming anyway. But I'm glad your doing it by choice" he says and I laugh.

"Nigga what?" I ask him.

"Anyway so...what time tonight?" He asks and I shrug.

"I don't know. I think around like 8" I say and he jumps up.

"Well it's already 5! Come on get up!" He says and I groan and get up from his bed.

"I gotta go to some studio anyway" I say.

"Wait why?" He asks me.

"I don't know I think that guy lives in it or something" I say then start heading towards the door to his room.

"Alright. Let me know where it's at!" He yells after me and I nod.

"Yeah" I say back then leave and go straight to the address that guy, Chris sent me. Before I get out my car I check the time. It's 6:45pm. I get out my car and walk into this white, tall building. As soon as I walk in there's a receptionist.

"You don't have an appointment here" she says and laughs to herself as soon as she sees me.

"What the fuck? I literally just walked in here" I say.

"Well you don't look like you have an appointment here" she says and I walk over to her desk and lean over it.

"Sienna. Find my name" I say and point to her computer. She sits there looking stupid. I walk around her desk.

"Fuck you sitting there looking stupid for?" I ask her.

"We only have appointments for specific people here" she starts then looks me up and down.

"And you ain't one of them" she says.

"What the fuc- bitch!" I backhand the shit out of her. Her head snaps to the side then she slowly looks up at me.

"Find my shit" I say again then somebody comes through a door in the back. It's Chris.

"Alright. Calm down. Your names not even in the system" he smirks at me.

"Anger issues huh?" He asks me and I nod and come from behind the desk.

"Only if you piss me off" I say then follow him into a back room. This room had many doors in it.

"Why did you come so late? It's 7 o clock" he tells me.

"It don't take me nun but 5 minutes to get dressed" I tell him and he sighs.

"That's what all females say" he says then leads me into one of the rooms. It's a dressing room and it looks like one of the dressing rooms that a singer would be in. I like it in here.

"Your outfit's in the closet. Don't take too long" he tells me then leaves out the dressing room. I go over to the closet and open it.

There lies the black leather outfit that I saw earlier. It was a black leather jacket, pants and black heels.

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