Chapter 67

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Next day

"V!" I hear someone yell at me which wakes me up. I know that voice. Maybe if I ignore it-

"Wake up I know you not even sleep" she says and I sigh.

Welp. My cover is blown.

"Fine fine. What do you want?" I ask her and she sits on the edge of my bed.

"We haven't hung out in a while. We gotta do something" she says and she's right. Plus I need something to do. So I sit up.

"Alright what should we do then?" I ask her.

"Let's get tattoos" she says.

"Alright I can do that" I say.

"Ou we should get matching butterflies on our arms" she says and I shake my head.

"Absolutely not. I'm getting a tramp stamp" I tell her and she then touches my arm.

"Ou we can get our boyfriends to do our tattoos for us" she says and I shake my head.

"Ok, no. Thiago has written a few notes to me and I just barely read them. I think I'll just get someone else to do it" I say and Diana laughs.

"Girl like he's gonna let you do that" she laughs right in my face and I start laughing too.

"Let you do what?" It's Thiago. He just came in and I didn't even hear him at all.

"Can you...make noise when you move?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"No and what was you just talking about?" He asks again. He's not letting this go. Me and Diana look at each other then she gets up to leave.

At least she kept her mouth shut this time.



"I won't let you do what?" He asks again.

"Get a tattoo" I say and he goes into the drawer to grab something.

"What? I don't care if you get a tattoo" he says and I nod.

I know that...

"So when are you gonna get it?" He asks and I shrug.

"I don't know. Whenever Diana gets Theo to do hers" I say.

"Let me do yours" he says and I shake my head.

"No. I've seen your hand writing. I'm not letting you put ink on my body" I tell him and he comes to sit next to me on the bed.

"Come on, I write nicely I just rush it out. Baby I can draw, just let me do your tattoo" he pleads and I shake my head.


"I'll let you do one on me" he offers and I laugh.

"Yeah I want my name right here" I say and pick his arm up. I wipe my hand across his forearm and he grabs my hand to stop me.

"You can have your name anywhere you want if I get to tattoo you" he says and I chuckle.

"I was joking" I say then his phone starts ringing.

"I gotta go" he sighs then gets up from the bed.

"Why? where you going?" I ask him.

"I don't know, their probably fucking shit up down there" he says.

"Oh ok bye" I say and start waving at him and he leaves. A little while after he leaves I go to Diana's room. I knock on the door and few times before going in. I go in and see Theo holding Nick and Diana just coming into the room. She's got a whole tattoo kit in her hands.

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