Chapter 72

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I'm now back from my incident and laying in my bed instead of a hospital one.

Damn. I don't have my car or my bike. Their in two different spots. And none of them is a fucking house. I need to keep up with my shit.

I sit here thinking about what happened this morning. I'm still in my feeling and the fact that I almost died earlier doesn't make me feel any better. I take out my phone and click on Kurtis's name and call him. He almost immediately answers.

"Hey Sienna you ok?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yeah I'm good. But I got some shit to tell you" I say.

"Bitchhh what happened?" He asked and I start telling him what happened this morning.

"Whattttt? And he said he thought it was you?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah" I respond.

"That's impossible. I think yall should break up" he says and I laugh.

"To be honest, I don't even know why I called you, I knew you was gonna say some bullshit" I say.

"I'm just saying. Not gonna let no nigga play me like that" he say which makes me laugh even more.

"You crazy as hell Kurt" I say in between laughs.

"Hey" is all he says.

"You ever wonder why your still single?" I ask him.

"Because I choose to be" he says and I giggle.

"Well imma talk to you later" I say.

"Alright. Bye" he says then I hang up. I get up and go to Thiagos room. I don't knock on the door and just walk in.

"Thiago are you fucking serious right now?" I say as I walk in to see Thiago and Victoria kissing. Not even a second later Thiago shoves Victoria off him.

"Sienna wait!" He follows me out his room and back to mine.

"I can't believe this" I say and go to sit on the bed.

"Wait a minute I'm not cheating on you it's not what it looked like" he says and I scoff.

"Makes sense why you would cheat. You see that bitch more than you see me" I say and go goes to touch me.

"Get the fuck away from me" I say and yank myself from him.

"V-Baby listen" he says.

"What the fuck what you just about to call me?" I ask him then get up.

"I can't believe I dated your sorry ass" I say then get up to go grab my guitar but he stops me by trapping me in his arms. Tight.

"Just listen to what I gotta say" he says again.

"How about you let me go and you have by the time I get out that door to explain" I say and he lets me go. I start leaving out before I get trapped in his arms again.

"Wait your taking your guitar and that's it?" He asks as I struggle to get out of his grip.

"Yeah. I got stuff at my place" I say but he's not letting me go.

"Let me go" I say and he shakes his head.

"No. If you stop being so fucking stubborn and let me explain" he says again.

"Thiago if you don't let me go I-"

"Your gonna do what Sienna? Because I'd like to see you try" he says. After struggling for a little I finally get out of his grip.

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