Chapter 13

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I get in bed lay down and get comfy and close my eyes but then I hear my door open, and I groan.

I just wanna sleeeeeeeeeep

I feel the bed tilt down on one side, and someone pulls the covers from over my head.

"What happened at the mall?" It's Thiago.

"You're nosy" I say to him.

"No I'm not... I'm just... curious" he says and I mentally face palm.

"What the hell you think nosy is?" I ask him and he waves me off.

"Just tell me I wanna know." He says and I decide to stop messing with him.

"Alright so we were in the mall and I wanted to go into Spencer's. And Rico's little sister followed me in there." I start and he's looking at me intently. It makes me a little bit nervous...

"Long story short. I was in the back looking at the wallets and backpacks and I went to go pay for them." I finish and I sigh before starting again.

"She then asked me to buy her a lava lamp and I picked up one for her and paid for it. And as we were walking out the alarm went off. Do you know what that bitch did to me?" I ask him and he raises his eyebrows and shakes his head.

"That bitch put a vibrator in my bag while wasn't paying attention" I say and I can see him trying not to smile. This guy does not smile or laugh.

"If you laugh I will shoot you" I say to him and he frowns still trying to hide his smile.

"Well can I see what you got from Spencer's?" He asks trying to change the subject.

"Oh actually my bag is downstairs I dropped it with the rest of Diana's bags earlier. Could you get it for me?" I ask him and he thinks about it for a minute before getting up and leaving.

Was that a yes...?

After about 10 minutes I'm about to go back to sleep but he comes back in with my bag.

"What took you so long?" I ask him and he looks annoyed.

"Diana wouldn't stop bothering me when I went to go get your bag" he says back and sits back on the bed and hands me my bag.

"Show me what you got" he hands me the bag and I take it and take everything out.

"I got a Prince shirt, playboy backpack and a Spiderman wallet." I say and he looks at what I got.

"Who is Prince?" He asks.

"Wow you're making me feel old and I'm younger than you" I tell him and half smiles.

"A playboy bag?" He asks.

"Yeah so?" I ask him and he responds with.

"I just thought that all women hated playboy stuff" he asks with a mildly confused expression.

"I'm not all women" I say back. "Why? You used to have playboy magazines?" I ask and he immediately gets defensive.

"No. I never had one of those."

He's definitely had one of those magazines.

"Are you sure? Ain't no shame in hav-"

"I never had playboy magazine" he raises his voice a little. Then he asks "have you ever had one?"

"I can't say I haven't seen one." I say to him and he just smiles. A full smile.

I'd kill to see another one of those.

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