Chapter 16

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As I'm laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling my door opens and I jump a little.

"Thiago? What do you want?" I ask him and he looks down at the floor before looking back up at me. He then walks over to me and lays down at the foot of the bed across.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you and-"

"Apology accepted" I cut him off and he looks at me a little confused.

"You forgive me just like that?" He sounds surprised.

I gots to go.

"Yeah. I gotta go" I say and get up and flip the switch on the record player and push the needle from above the record and off to the side.

I then leave him laying on my bed. I don't know where else to go so I go to Diana's room. I knock on her door and don't get a response. So I just walk in.

When I walk in I see Diana and Theo naked and all over each other.


I close the door and laugh to myself. She's definitely hearing about this later. When I realize I can't go to her room. I find Rico's room.

I find Rico's room easily because he sitting in it on his phone drinking something with his door open.

Lazy ass.

"Rico" I say and stand in his doorway. He looks surprised to see me.

"What's up? Why are you here? You never talk to me" he says. He seems happy to see me.

"What are you doing right now?" I ask him and he sits up.

"I was about to go and find Theo. He hasn't been answering his phone." He says.

Ouuu shit.

"Well I got something to ask you" I say to him and he motions for me to go and sit down next to him on his bed.

"Did you talk to Thiago at all?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"No. Why?" He asks "we may be best friends but that man barely talks to me anymore" he adds and I nod slowly.

"Well he came to my room earlier and apologized and I figured you forced him to." I say back to him and his eyes widen.

"He apologized? Like actually said sorry for what he did?" He asks me again and I just nod.

"You know what he did?" I ask him. And he nods his head.

"Yeah I heard." He says back "you guys weren't exactly quiet about it" he says again and I'm quiet again.

"You know he actually cares about you." He tells me "even if he's bad at showing it" he tells me.

I didn't come here for all of this.

"He just hasn't been right since a few hears ago." He tells me. "Just give him a break" he says to me and now I'm confused. I want to know what happened now. But that ain't none of my business.

I learned the hard way to stay out of peoples business

"Alright alright whatever." I say and Rico sighs.

"I'm being serious. But anyway I'm gonna go find Theo-"

"For what?" I ask him.

"Well I was just gonna talk to him. See if he wanted to play a game and drink a few beers." He says.

"You have a ps5? Let me see it" I say to him and he leads me over to his ps5, he actually had 2 of them, and hands me a controller.

"I'll play with you. If you let me." I say to him and his face lights up.

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