Chapter 15

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I am woken up many my phone buzzing, I look at who's texting me and it's Diana.

If it's that important she can come in and wake me up.

Just as I think that I lay back down and get comfortable before closing my eyes and trying to sleep again.

No even two seconds later Diana busts through my door.

"GIRL!" She yells and I loudly groan.

"Get the fuck out it's too early for this." I say and throw the covers over my head. She pulls them off and starts talking again.

"Ok first. It's 3pm." She says and i roll my eyes.

"And bitch! Why did you leave us last night?! Thiago was fucking livid" she says to me and shakes me up out of the bed.

"Calm down-"

"No. You little shit I'm not gonna calm down because you know who had to deal with his shit when I got there?" She asks me and I shrug.

"You?" I ask.

"Exactly! He looked like he wanted to kill me." She says to me.

"What is your point already? He wasn't going to kill you" I say to her and her eyes widen.

"Don't be so sure about that. He almost killed me over touching his stuff before." She tells me and that makes me wanna laugh.

She acting like she wouldn't have been angry if someone touched her stuff.

"I would've too" I say to her and lay back down on my bed and she groans loudly.

"You're missing the point!" She tells me.

"Well can you get to it? So I can go back to sleep?! Damn." I ask her because why is she telling me all this. I can't help her if he tries to kill her.

"My point is. That he likes you" she says and I pull the covers over my head again.

"Please get out and let me sleep" I say hoping she gets out and leaves me alone but she doesn't.

"Well it's true and I know you like him too and I was thinking-"

"You was thinking nothing. He's just my friend with anger issues." I say to her and she sighs.

"Denial is a River in E-"

"Don't you finish that damn sentence" I cut her off and she just smiles at me.

"Whatever." She says then thinks of an idea "how about you and me, go out to a club tonight? And have some fun" she proposed her idea to me and I shake my head.

"I'm surprised you haven't gotten an STD yet." I say to her and she rolls her eyes at me.

"That's not the point. The point is you and me should go out, have fun, dance, drink and maybe meet some guys." She says and raises her eyebrows at me.

"Ok well now I have to know." I sit up "what's the situation with you and Theo?" I ask her because there's no way that she's just gonna fuck with other guys and still be with him secretly.

"Well...we're not official. We're just talking." She says.

Bless Theo's little soul. He is about to get played.

"Oh come on please? He said he's fine with it anyway. Just come with me. You might even meet someone." She says to me and I roll my eyes and lay back down.

"I'll sleep on it. Now get out" I say and this time she leaves. Leaving my comfy in my bed.

I close my eyes and about 2 minutes later the door opens again. And I internally groan and look up from the bed and it's Thiago. But, he's shirtless.


I look at his body. He's not a big tall guy but I can see how perfectly he's built. From his abs to his chest to his arms. But why is he in here? He hasn't said a word or done a single thing. He's just...staring.

Why is he looking at me like that.

He walks over to my side of the bed and stands right over me.

"Move over" he demands and I don't know why but I move back a little. He gets into the bed and gets right on top of me.

"You think you can just come home late whenever you want?" He asks and I don't even know what to say. This whole thing is so unexpected.

"So where were you huh? With another guy?" He says aggressively and all I can do is shake my head.

"Did he make he make you feel the way I make you feel?" He asks me and leans down closer and I don't want to say anything because I might start stuttering so I just shake my head again.

"Good" he leans down and starts to kiss me slowly. He runs his hands through my hair and starts to kiss me more aggressively. He then pulls away to start taking off my shirt and I let him.

All I can do is stare up at him as I feel immobile. He takes my shirt off and I notice I'm wearing the purple lingerie that Diana bought me.

What the hell? I don't remember putting this on...

He starts to kiss my neck, sucking on it. He then lifts his head up and stares into my eyes.

"Vanity. I love you" he says.

Oh FUCK no.

I wake up.

I was in a fucking dream? I should've known. I didn't put that damn lingerie on.

I just sit there in my bed thinking about what just happened.

Maybe I do need to meet some people...

I then pick up my phone and start to text Diana.

Me: I made my mind up.
I'll go with you.

Diana: I knew you'd come around. We need to go and
get you a new dress.

Me: maybe you should just
go this time. Surprise me.

Diana: yeah I can totally do
that. We'll be out tonight by
about 12 again.

Me: alright. See you at 11
(Read 3:56)

Alright now i need to occupy myself with something until 11. Hopefully I don't see him again today. It's gonna be weird for me.

I decide to listen to my record player since it's right there on the table near my bed in the room. I pick up a Michael Jackson record and put it on the turntable and put the needle on it.

The music starts blasting and I lay back down to think about what just happened.


(A/N- Yall I forgot to mention. I can't write smut. So there will be none. Unless yall wanna write it for me 🤨 also short chapter. I know)

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