Chapter 2 - Capri island

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Opal being the first up in the group, was awake for some time researching on her phone what to do today at the kitchen table, the morning summer sun just peaking through the window, casting a shadow of her head onto Rowan and Coopers half open bedroom door.

Rowan laid on his side watching her shadow from his bed, his blue eyes glistening from the glow.
"For the last time Rowan, just talk to her, you've been friends for how long now?" Cooper whispered from his bed as he watched Rowan quickly jolt up in surprise.
"Shhh Cooper! She might hear you." Rowan panicked.
"Good, it would put me out of my misery and you out of your comfort zone."
"Fine, I'll go, but don't tell Medika this."
"Ok, ok, just go," Cooper muttered back as he shuffled around to face the wall, falling back to sleep within seconds.

Rowan opened the door as it made a horrible screeching sound.
"Sorry Cooper," Rowan whispered back.
"Hmm," Cooper moaned as he squirmed around.

"Morning Opal." Rowan said softly as he walked into the kitchen.
"Buongiorno," whispered Opal.
"What are you doing?" He asked as he pulled out a chair next to her and took a seat.
"Just looking for something to do, I found a ferry that can take us out to this island called Capri."
"Sounds amazing," Rowan replied with a subtle smile, his hand resting on his cheek. "You seem to always find something fun to do, you don't always need to say I plan things with you, you really do most of it."
"Sorry I say that, but you do help me, I just really needed a second opinion on booking, that's all." Opal replied as she continued to scroll through trip advisor reviews.

Medika crept slowly into the kitchen with Cooper trailing behind.
"Morning guys, sorry we slept in, what's the plan for today Opal?" Medika asked as she opened the fridge.
"There's a ferry out to Capri Island, I'm thinking if we leave soon we could go do that for the day?" Opal smiled as she showed them pictures of the Mediterranean island with white cliffs towering over the crystal clear ocean below.
Cooper's face lit up with excitement, "What are we waiting for, let's go!"

"This way guys, hurry up!" Opal exclaimed, ushering the rest through the narrow streets of the town centre, crowded with tourists, stores filled to the brim selling all types of lemons, cornicello's, white and blue linen wears and the most intricately decorated tiles. Opals eyes darting from one shop to the other, her mind slowly slipping away as each shop drew her attention closer, 'no, no, no...Opal, focus!' Opal thought to herself as she shook her head and kept on her way.

"Limoncello? Sounds scrumptious! Don't mind if I do," Cooper smiled to a retail worker handing out shot cups of limoncello in the store full to the brim of bright lemon coloured bottles from floor to ceiling.
"What is that Cooper?" Medika asked, peering over his shoulder.
"Opal wait, we've stoped!" Rowan called out to her a little ahead of them down the alley way.
"Oh what is it now?" She muttered to herself as she turned back.
Cooper drank the lemon liqueur and made a sour face.
"Uh, maybe not for me," he moaned, placing the cardboard cup in the bin.
"It's actually really nice! Here Opal try some," Medika said handing her a cup.
"No thanks, I don't drink alcohol remember?" Opal shook her head.
"More for me then," Medika replied, sculling another.
Rowan took a sip, and quickly pushed it to Medika, "Yeah, nah, I'm with Cooper on this one."
"Oh come on, you'll be drunk before we even get through town!" Opal said grabbing ahold of Medika's arm before she could take any more. Pulling her through the dark alleyways that eventually opened up to a bright green lawn, fenced with flowered shrubs and palm trees darted throughout leading there eyes up toward the blue sky, the garden running to the edge of the cliff face stoped by a metal railing, dropping a good fifty metres below to the ocean.

"It's Mount Vesuvius!" Rowan exclaimed, his eyes widening as he looked out to the volcano on the other side of the bay.
The bay of Naples, you could see right around the gulf on such a beautifully sunny day. From Naples to Capri, the group stoped for a moment to take it all in, inhaling the salty summer air as the sun shone brightly on the turquoise water.

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