Chapter 3 - A storm full of stars

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"Where getting dangerously close to those rocks Luigi!" Medika called out as her curly wet hair blew in front of her face.
"This can't be happening again!" Luigi said to himself trying to pull away from the rocks with the helm.
Opal stood up and wobbled her way to Luigi, "What's happening?" Opal asked.
"The rocks or ocean or something is pulling us closer to the island, I can't get away. I didn't mean for it to go this far, I'm so sorry!" Luigi yelled out with frustration. His hands gripping tight to the wheel of the boat, but ever so slowly slipping as the water dripped down his arms making harder to grip.

The rain poring down so hard it hurt like hail. The wind blowing it sideways so there was no escaping it.

All of a sudden there was a break in the clouds over the horizon, the sun just peaking through as it was setting over the angry waves, golden light filled the white cliffs towering over them. Everyone shielded their eyes from the bright sunlight as a beaming glow of the most beautiful deep blue came from a small sea cave opening.

"No, no, no, we don't need this Capri!" Luigi said to himself panicking as he glanced at the blue light coming from the sea cave.
Rowan overheard Luigi talking to himself as he rubbed his eyes from the water.
"What are you talking about?..... What is that?!" Rowan yelled looking toward the blue glow.
"The Blue Grotto, it's sucking us in!" Luigi shouted out, quickly turning the helm in the opposite direction.

Cooper stood up and swayed over the back of the boat yelling, "That entrance is way too small, the boat will get crushed!"
Luigi looked back to the group soaking wet from the rain and sea spray.
"Life jackets are under the seats over there, get them on now!" Luigi screamed out as he swung his arm pointing toward the bench.

Everyone grabbed a life jacket, squirming them on as fast as possible.
"Here Luigi, I got you one," Opal said, passing him a jacket.
"Grazie," Luigi replied with a smile, taking the life jacket in his hands. "We need to evacuate! Now!" Luigi exclaimed with a worried look on his face, turning up the engine of the boat.
"We can't, it's too dangerous!" Rowan shouted back.
"It's either float with your life jackets or get crushed by the boat and the sea cave, ok?!" Luigi called as he tried to put his life jacket on, he leaned on the edge of the boat for support as it suddenly tipped sideways so fast Luigi lost his footing and fell overboard. His jacket getting caught on the railing of the boat, ripping it out of his hands.

"Luigi no!" Medika cried.
Opal gasped as she quickly wobbled to the side of the boat looking down at the roaring sea desperately searching for Luigi to appear, parting her hair from her face to get a better look. Rowan peered from over her shoulder looking down at the dark ocean below, "Opal, we need to get out of here."
"We need to find Luigi, Rowan. We can't just leave him to drown," Opal cried out.
"He once said he was the best swimmer in Capri, he's got to be around here somewhere... right?" Rowan said as he tried to comfort her.
Opal looked back at his bright blue eyes as they glistened in the rain, she agreed with a sad nod as her frightened glare turned away from searching.

"On the count of three, we jump, ok?" Rowan looked over to the others as their worried faces glazed back at his.
"ONE....TWO.....THREE!" He yelled as the group hesitantly jumped into the angry sea below them.
The boat pushing them closer to the grotto. "Oh Shit! We're getting sucked in!" Cooper yelled out as he pushed away from the boat then tried to desperately swim away.
The blue glow intensified from the cave as it drew the group closer. A ginormous wave instantaneously pushed them through the opening. All but blue shimmering light could be seen as they entered the grotto.

"Is everyone still here?!" Copper shouted as he's voice echoed in desperation whilst choking on sea water.
"I'm here with Opal!" Medika responded. "Where's Rowan?" Opal screamed, frantically looking for him.
"Why is it so blue in here?" Rowan said, swimming toward them.
"Rowan!" Medika yelled as she hugged him close.

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