Chapter 5 - When you try to fix your mistakes

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Cooper stood up off the bench with a sudden spark of an idea. "Water, earth, fire, air...long ago, the four nations lived in harmony. Then everything—"
"That's enough Cooper," Rowan interrupted as he slouched back on the bench on the boat.
"You always have to ruin it," Cooper moaned rolling his eyes in the process.
"We don't need to relive a story for kids."
"But this ancient story could help us," Cooper said.
"Who wants breakfast?!" Luigi shouted, stepping out from his bedroom with a platter of fruit.
"Wow this looks great, thanks Luigi," replied Cooper licking his lips.
"It was for last night but I never got around to serving it, because of what happened and all," Luigi rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "You guys will have to tell me all about it," Luigi said as he placed the palter on the table, his voice sounded a little nervous to ask.

Cooper finished chewing on some rockmelon and quickly raisted his hand.
Luigi quickly interrupted, "Wait, before you say anything, did anyone, and I mean anyone see you guys do your umm... bending stuff?"
"Pff, why do you care?" Rowan mumbled.
"Can we please try to get along," Medika said.
Cooper swallowed the rest of the fruit he was chewing, "Well...Maybe, there was a security guard, he kinda saw me on top of a big cube of earth about a meter high in the center of town at AnaCapri, I didn't mean to do it."
"Ok, is it still there?" Luigi asked.
"Umm, yes," Cooper muttered.
Opal smacked her hand on her forehead with embarrassment.

"I nearly crashed my bike going down a hill, I somehow how managed to not break every bone in my body as the air caught me," Medika nervously laughed as she rubbed the back of her neck.
"Rowan?" Luigi asked.
"I don't want to talk about it," he replied looking to the floor.
"He can shoot fire out of his hands, how do you not want to talk about that?" Cooper said.
"Because Cooper!" Rowan snarled back.

Luigi panned his eyes to Opal as she looked out to the island in the distance.
"Opal?" Luigi asked.
"Yeah?" She mumbled hesitantly, turning her head around.
"Water right? Same as me," he said.
"I guess,"
"I'm going to fix this," Luigi said with confidence.
"Our trust? Or this uncontrollable magical force put upon you?" Opal asked.
"Oh burn," Cooper laughed.
"Hopefully both," he answered as he gave her a little smile.

"Does anyone have any idea where to start looking? Rowan over here doesn't believe in old stories," Cooper asked.
"It would have to be The Blue Grotto," Luigi replied.
"Great idea Luigi, let's go back to the place that nearly killed us!" Shouted Rowan.
Medika shoved Rowan on the shoulder, "You're sarcasm is on point, but if we want to find answers? This might be the only way."
"What old stories are you talking about? Cooper?" Luigi asked.
"Everyone knows about the story of the lost ancient civilisation, The last airbender right?" Cooper said waiting for a response from Luigi.
"I think so, my parents use to talk about it but it was just an old tale, right?"
"Wrong! I'm talking to one of the only water benders on this!" Cooper pointed straight at Luigi. "The Blue Grotto must have a connection to the story or something, we must find out." Cooper stood up with pride.

"Fantastico, the anchor is up, time to get going!" Luigi called, running over to take the wheel. "You'll have to practice your water bending Opal, it's actually quite fun," Luigi smiled back at her.
"I'll think about it," she responded with an angry huff.
Rowan quickly snarled back, "No need Luigi, we'll fix this before that happens." Crossing his arms looking out toward the sea.
"I still hate boats," Cooper cried, holding onto the back of the boat.

"There it is, The Blue Grotto," Luigi yelled out pointing toward the sea cave as the boat floated closer to the towering sea cliffs.
Opal looked over at the cave as her head began to race, her palms sweating up. Her mind racing right back to last night, the vision of the event still so clear in her head playing back like  a movie, over and over. She clenched her fists tight. Rowan could see her worried face as he walked over to her.
"Hey, are you ok?" He asked.
Opal gazed up at him snapping out of the day dream.
"I don't know." She answered, her nervous eyes turning away.

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