Chapter 8 - Family matters

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"Lunch is ready!" Baba's voice bellowed through the house and up to the terrace where they all were sitting.
"What's with you Matteo? You're different," Luca said as he stood up from the couch and crossed his arms.
"Nothing! Nothing Luca, I'm fine!" Matteo nervously laughed as he scratched the back of his head.
Luca stared deeply into his eyes, Matteo's heart beating faster. The floor suddenly began to shake underneath them as his hands started to sweat profusely. The big terracotta pots filled with flowers started to tremble, the couch they were all siting on began to shift sideways from the vibration.
Luca suddenly looked down, "Earth quake!" He screamed running straight down the stairs in a fright.
The shaking slowly dissipated from the building as Luca ran away out of sight.
"What was that?" Matteo asked in panic.
"That my friend was all you," Cooper said as he patted Matteo's head and walked off down the stairs.
Matteo stared off into the distance, "I'm dreaming, I have to be dreaming," he muttered.
"Come on, did you not hear the man, lunch is ready!" Cooper shouted from down the stairs.
"Ok Cooper! Sheesh," Medika yelled back as she rolled her eyes, hopping up and grabbing Opals hand to usher her along.

"Welcome to our world," Rowan sighed as he got up off the couch as he followed Luigi.
Matteo looked down at his bare feet in worry, "I couldn't have?" he whispered to himself.

"Baba! There was an earth quake, did you not feel it?" Luca said to Baba in the kitchen as he raced in.
"No, I didn't, here take this to the table," Baba asked as he handed Luca a timber bowl full of salad.
Cooper walked into the kitchen to see a large dining table full of food, "Now this is amazing, uhh, Mr—" Cooper muttered at the end of his sentence.
"My name is either Kostas or Baba in this house, I don't mind," Baba laughed.
Rowan walked in behind Cooper and his eyes widened looking at the table of food.
"Go and sit down, enjoy yourself," Baba said as he was cleaning up the chopping board.

Matteo meandered in last to the room, greeted by everyone sitting readily at the table.
"Come sit boy! It'll go cold," Baba said as he pulled out a seat next to him.
"Yes Baba! This is my favourite! Trenette al pesto," Luca sat up, grabbing the fork and digging in.
Baba had already dished out a serving for everyone, Opal looked around at the happy group digging into the pasta, except for Matteo. He sat swirling the fork around the bowl of pasta in a daze.
"Ah Matteo, what's the matter?" Baba asked.
Matteo snapped out of his daydream. "Oh, I'm fine," he said sitting up straight in his seat.
"You said that before, and I'm not buying it," Luca muttered as he gesturally pointed his fork full of pasta at Matteo.
Baba sat up out of his seat pushing it back, "Matteo, follow me please," Baba said as he walked off to the living room.
Matteo nodded as he stood up. The group staring at him worryingly.

"Matteo...are you ok?" Baba questioned from the living room, he looked down at him, Baba's broad hand resting on Matteo's shoulder for comfort.
Matteo's face turning from a fake smile to a concerned one. "I don't know," he mumbled as he rubbed his arm.
"Do you need to see someone, about what happened last night?"
"I'm not sure," Matteo replied as his eyes filled with tears. "I nearly drowned dad!" He cried out as his hands covered his face with embarrassment.
"You've always been strong, and now you're the strongest I've ever seen you," Baba said as he pulled Matteo in for a hug. "Asking for help is the bravest thing you can do, so please, just ask me next time, don't let it get this far, my boy," Baba's voice was deep and meaningful, Matteo's tears soaking into his fathers white linen top as he held him tight.
"Now, let's get back to lunch," Baba said as he pulled away from Matteo and looked him in the eyes.
"Thank you," Matteo whispered.

Once everyone had lunch Luca and Matteo carried everything to the kitchen bench ready for a big wash up.
"Grazie Mille," Cooper smiled as he got up from the table.
"Anytime! A friend of Matteo's, is a friend of mine," Baba said as he walked off to the kitchen waving them goodbye.

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