Chapter ~ 4

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The next morning,

The Mir's and and Shah comes to dinning room for breakfast and the atmosphere was so silent . But there are 2 person are talking by their eyes and signalling each other to say something. That two person are dadajaan and dadu.

Rabia and Farhad notice this for so long . Now Rabia know they are not gonna so she asks them directly.

Rabia: dadajaan and dadu do you two want to say something. And if yes, then say because I am going late for my office.

Dadu : Actually we want to share this news today with both the families but yesterday got happened so much .

Dadajaan : Yes , but I think we should move on and forget that now. And we have a announcement.

Dadu : We fixed the marriage of Zayan and Iman .

Farhad who till now was silent and observing everything. Now finally asks

Farhad : Do you ask both of them??

Dadajaan: Yes , we asks both them ok. And besides they both like each other and they are the one who asks permission for marriage from us.

Rabia : Then , ok . Congratulations guys and Now I am going to dadi's room to meet her and I am going to office.  Allah Hafiz.

After Rabia left Farhad phone went off and he checked the phone and found Sania's call so he also stands up.

Farhad : I am going office and dad I have something to talk about in the office. Allah Hafiz.

Rabia and Farhad goes their respective offices and Mir's also bid their bye to shah's and depart for their palace.

In afternoon ,

In the Ahmad office, Farhad enter and Ahmad signal him to sit in opposite chair . Farhad made himself comfortable on seat and start talking.

Farhad : baba , actually I like a girl and want to marry her.

Ahmad: That's a good news , you finally like someone and also agree to marry . What's her name ?

Farhad: Sania Mirza .

Ahmad: ok , what is his parents company name .

Farhad: baba , her parents are died . She have his brother and sister in law and a nephew. Her brother is a worker in xyz... Company and he is a employee.

Ahmad: What she do ??

Farhad : She works in our Mumbai branch till now. Now I have transfer her here in Lucknow.

Ahmad : So his brother also live with her in Mumbai??

Farhad ; No , she live alone there .

Ahmad : Are you even understanding what you are saying hnn? Don't make me angry Farhad ok. Forgot her.

Farhad : baba , you know I can marry her without any ones permission and I'm here asking for your permission and you are denying it.

Ahmad : I think , I have made myself clear . That's No from me and I am sure no one in the home also gonna accept her. I am going to home .

After this argument Ahmad leave from their and Farhad also left to meet Sania .

Farhad is a person who doesn't give a fu*k  about others opinions. He just come here for permission because he maybe love his grandfather more because in his childhood he is the one who spend time with him and he is the one who make him ready as a leader because his father never have time for him . But he respect and admire his father as leader, business man , and a husband . Farhad doesn't blamed him  for not spending time with Farhad just like he spends his time with his siblings because he knows he have so much responsibility on his shoulders and also when Farhad was born  his grandfather make his father a head of their clan so it is hard for him to manage all the things.

After meeting Sania , he told her to ready in evening he wants to introduce her to his family.

On the otherside,
Rabia fired her ex husband and her ex best friend from her company. And make sure no other company give them job . And also file case for her things which she give him and his family.

Rabia has almost fire 3 employees from the morning and her mood was off . Suddenly her door burst open and comes two monkeys jumping ( Aryan and Zain).

Rabia without removing her gaze from the file in her hands . Bang her hand on table and roar at them because she doesn't see who barg in her cabin.

Rabia : Don't you know how to knock before coming in . Do you want get fired today itself hnnn.

Aryan : appi , we know knocking but our sister tell us to not knock before coming in.

Zain ; woooo, our appi is in ladyboss mood . aryan, Is she really our appi who talk sweet with us .

Rabia: So , Zain you don't have to be this dramatic. Do you really expect me to be  sweet with my employees just like I'm with my family.

Aryan : Appi leave him he is such a dumb . You are busy??

Rabia: That's doesn't matter, you tell me what happened that you come to me .

Zain :.  Appi  kuch Nahi , appto aise bol rhi h ke hum se kaam se aate h , Kya hum Masson bacche apni appi se Milne nhi aaskte . Haina aryan.
(Appi nothing, you are saying Like we always come for something from you , can we innocent children come to meet our aapi. Right aryan.)

Rabia with a tight lipped smile said ,

Rabia : spill it ...


Zain and aryan : appi college mein masala ho Gaya hai . Principal ne ghr se kisi ko lane Ko Kaha . Farhad Bhai chodheinge nhi humein and Farhat Bhai , Farhad Bhai Ko sb bata deinge .
Please last time Chale .

(Appi some issues happen in college, principal asks to call someone from home and you know Farhad Bhai will not leave us without punishment and farhat Bhai will tell everything to Farhad Bhai .so please come with us last time .)

Aryan and Zain Said together at the same time with hand joined and showing puppy eyes that work on her everytime .

Rabia : I am not com--

Aryan and Zain didn't let complete her sentence and started saying please, please pretty please

Rabia : huff!!! Fine last time ok

Rabia Said in a stern voice.


Yours writer
Eternal Sunshine 🌞

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