Chapter ~ 7

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After some time Rabia got conscious and everyone enter inside the hospital room  to meet her . She look Mir's family  they look concerned about her and she looks towards her family and only found his concerned grandfather and brother who was looking angry . This is the first emotion she get from her brother but she also ok  with it atleast he is still not looking towards her with usually cold look.

But suddenly she remembered his father is nowhere. The first thing she said

Rabia : Where is dad ???

Mir's look at her family to answer that and her grandfather and brother shared a look with each other .

Dadu : Rabia bachhe , he is stuck somewhere.

Rabia : dadu whatever that is. Is it more important than me.

She asks as a whisper in meek voice . She is really hurt from her father's behaviour towards her . She said in mere whisper but his brother hear it because he is just standing beside her dadu.

Zayan : Same just as he always stuck somewhere when I need him and today is a first time that he also did same to you. Don't think about him.
I am with you .

She didn't said anything but just hug his brother. And said in a whisper

Rabia :. I always love you. You are my liltle brother  . I am sorry if you got hurt by me .

Zayan : Never do this again . I never hate you but I am just jealous of you . But I know that wasn't your fault .

She broke the hug and look at him . He is looking at her with loving eyes and with a Small smile and kissed her forehead.

Just when Zayan leave her , suddenly she got crushed by Two monkeys jumping on her ( Zain and aryan ) .

Zain: What are you thinking when you did this ? If something happens to you who will save us from Bhai and who will give us treat ??

Rabia first time smile listening to him.Rabia asks him in a teasing tone.

Rabia : so you only need me to save you and treat you ?? Don't you love and care for me ??

Aryan : No , on a serious note you are the one who didn't love us . You are the  only one big and coolest sister we have .

Rabia : I don't know what happened to me but just forgot it . But I love you Two the mostest my monkeys.

She said and last line with teasing tone and giggle at the end.

This interaction doesn't got missed by the elders  present their and also  the two persons (dadajaan and dadu) who share a happy look with each other.

After some time everyone go their places and Rabia stubbornly also take discharge from hospital and go to her house .

Next morning when everyone was sleeping dadajaan was doing his walk in garden when he sees Farhad entering in the palace with not in a good condition . His shirt few buttons were open and sleeves were fold till his forearm and there is a little lipstick mark on his collar and hair was falling on his forehead and his  coat was hanging in his veiny arms .

Dadajaan stopped Farhad walks towards him and when got near Farhad he found smell of alcohol from him . He just glare at Farhad and said he wants to talk to him in breakfast table . And he leave from there and Farhad also sigh looking at his grandfather and goes to his room to freshen up.

Dadajaan got in home office and calls his friend (Rabia's grandfather) and talk to him about something important when they got agree they and said him to come in evening and cut the call.

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