Chapter ~ 15

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Farhad didn't said anything and try to make her comfortable on bed but she hold his wrist. And said

Rabia: Don't leave me . Please.

Farhad: I'm not leaving you. I'm going to have some water for you.

Rabia : I don't need water. Stay with me .

Farhad laid on the bed and Rabia put her head on his chest and Farhad wrapped his arms around her pulled her more closer.

After sometime she slept in his arms and he lookes at her and think that how much she have suffered in such a young age . Farhad also closed his eyes and slept with her.

In the morning , Rabia open her eyes and opened her eyes to come face to face with Farhad . And caressed his cheek with her thumb and meekly whispered

Rabia: Thankyou for not judging me . You are the first person whom I shared this much . I'm lucky to have you as a husband. I don't know why you accept to marry me or maybe you got forced but I promise I will my hundred percent . And even in future if one have to sacrifice I will be the one who will sacrifice.

Rabia saying this kissed his forehead but what she don't know that Farhad was already wake up before her but when she opens her eyes he closed it . And when Rabia tries to get out of the bed , he tightened his hold and cuddles her and said

Farhad: Let me sleep more bia.

Rabia: Ok, you sleep but I have to get ready.

Farhad : I can't sleep without you , so let me sleep.

Hearing him Rabia feels butterflies in her stomach and again laid with him and Farhad more snuggle in her neck and wrapped his arm on her waist. And sleep .

After  two hours they wake up and goes downstairs. And they have their breakfast because everyone already have their breakfast and after that they leave for their work .

In Farhad cabin , Farhad was thinking to tell Rabia about his past just like she did but he didn't want to hurt her because she already dealing with so much and after hearing her morning words about being forced in the marriage he doesn't want to think like that again or hurt her . So , he decided that after sometime he will tell her but for now leave the things as it is.

After at dinner time Everyone was having dinner and after reaching his room and getting change he asked

Farhad: Bia , your pills.

Rabia: why do you want??

Farhad : I want you to promise me that you will not have them again.

Rabia : I can't sleep without them and I will panick attack sometime.

Farhad : I want you to promise me. Bia.

Rabia: ok , I promise.

After that they laid on the bed and Rabia was tossing on the bed continuously and suddenly Farhad pulled her towards him and put her head on his chest and said

Farhad: I read on internet that for people who are insomniac or can't sleep at night they should cuddles and relax their mind . This will help them to sleep .

Saying this he started message her head with his one hand and caressed her back . And after sometime Rabia breaths got even and he looks at her to found her sleeping peacefully and kissed her forehead . And also try to sleep .

In the morning, he woke up and left for the gym before Rabia woke up and also got ready in the guest room because Rabia already occupied the bathroom and  when he comes in his room to found Rabia  getting ready. He back hugged her and kissed her neck and looks at her in the mirror and said

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