Chapter ~ 17

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Next morning , bia woke up and look at her hadi face who was just sleeping beside her hugging her tightly and smile and trace her finger on his face and when she traced his lips  , he suddenly opened his mouth and bit her finger on which she hissed and look at his eyes .

Rabia : When you woke up??

Farhad : When my begum was admiring me .

Rabia : It's not like that . It's just you are sleeping and I don't want to disturb your sleep by moving .

Farhad : Hmm, so you don't think I'm handsome.

Rabia:  no .

Farhad : Then I think I have to find a second wife who will find me handsome. Why to find my secretary always said I'm looking handsome. I should asked her .

Farhad said with mescheive and smirk on his face knowing how possessive his wife is . Hearing him Rabia looks at him angry and cupped his face and bite his cheek and said

Rabia : Don't you dare.  I will kill her first and then lock you in the basement . So , that no one look at my husband.

Farhad with so much fake Innocence said

Farhad : Ohh !! But you didn't find me handsome ??

Rabia: no , you are the most handsome and hot man in this world . Ok happy .

Farhad said with smirk

Farhad : So , I am hot hnn??

Rabia seeing his smirk push him and got up from bad in anger and leave to bathroom .

Rabia: Get lost .

Farhad chuckled at her antics and leave for his gym and Rabia got ready and comes downstair and helped her mother-in-law in preparing breakfast.

After coming from gym he saw that his wife is not present in the room and got she is angry . So he got ready in Black Salwar Kameez and goes downstairs folding his sleeves till his forearm and look at everyone but doesn't find his bia .

After sometime everyone gather on dining table for breakfast and while having breakfast Farhad continuously looking at her wife who is ignoring and whole family is watching this like a interesting drama and why not Seeing the cold hearted Farhad behaving like this and showing affection openly on her wife is something to witness.

Rabia while having her breakfast thinking about his secretary and suddenly she put her spoon on table with this and looked at Farhan and said

Rabia : Farhan Bhai , do you have a secretary??

Farhan got confused on this sudden interrogation and said

Farhan : Jii bhabhi . Why you ask ??

Rabia: Did she compliment you like you are looking handsome and all ??

Farhan : No bhabhi , why ??

Rabia : Because Some people secretary give complements like this ??

Rabia said with the tight lipped smile looking at Farhad .

Everyone understands what have happened and try to not laugh . Because of Farhad anger issues.

Farhad smile at Rabia and tucked her hair behind her ear and said

Farhad : Special people have special privileges and treatment. ok

And turned to eat his breakfast much to make Rabia more pissed.

Farhan try to calm her bhabhi said

Farhan : Bhabhi , by the way you know there is a lady in her 50's who is sweet and so passionate in her work and I want her to work with with me as my secretary but she said that she work for Bhai because she think of him as her own child.

Listening him Rabia looked at Farhan and then at Farhad dumbfounded .

Everyone listening to this burst in fits of laughter and Rabia got embarrassed and look at her plate and started eating silently . When everyone didn't stop laughing she stands to leave but Farhad hold her hand and make her sit again and said to everyone.

Farhad : Everyone , eat your breakfast and stop laughing . And Bia have your breakfast.

Farhad first said in cold tone and at last gently to his bia . Listening him everyone stop laughing but our eldest are the one who don't listen anyone.

Dadajaan : You know Farhad , your bi-jaan was same like her Grand daughter in law. Always getting possessive of me.

Bi-jaan listening to this got offended and said

Bi-jaan: Look who is saying , who almost dead bed of  a person who only asked for my hand . Poor he , he even didn't know that Head of Mir is my fiance.

Dadajaan being proud of his doing said

Dadajaan: Why not . Do you really think I will leave that man who thought about you . Never.

Listening this Zain being Zain said

Zain : Hayyeee!!! Itna romantic couple the AAP dono.

Listening this bi-jaan blushed and Dadajaan looks at his wife and smirk  and said

Dadajaan: Hann Bhai , Mir'o Ki Mohabbat sambhalna mushkil hota hai humne to fir  ishq Kiya Tha .

And everyone chuckled listening him and after having breakfast Everyone leave for their and Farhad and Rabia leave for their rooms for their belongings.

Reaching the room she saw Farhad talking on phone looking out of the window and Rabia goes and pick her files and back silently and Farhad was watching all this by side eye and when she turned to leave he hold her wrist and looks at her who looking anywhere but him. Cutting the call he cupped her face from other hand and said dominantly

Farhad : Bia looks at me .

Rabia looks at him and he kissed her forehead and said

Farhad : I promise, I will never look at other woman . So you don't have to be insecure.

Rabia: How do you know that I am feeling insecure??

Farhad : Because I am your hadi , who knows you better than your own self.

Rabia eyes got teary and she hugged him and Farhad kissed her head and said

Farhad : You don't have to feel insecure because I also have physical relationship before but after I marry you I didn't even look at any other woman.  so don't trouble yourself.  Ok sweetheart.

Rabia nodded and Farhad wipe her tear and kissed her cheeks and said

Farhad: Where is my morning kiss ??
Don't think I forgot.

Rabia blush and tiptoed and peck his lips and try to run but Farhad hold her nape and waist and said

Farhad : tch tch .. I asked kiss not peck . Let me teach you again.

Before Rabia could say he kissed her passionately and leave her breathless again kissed her forehead. After bidding bye they left for their respective works.


Yours writer
Eternal Sunshine 🌞

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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