Chapter ~ 11

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Author's pov :

When they reach the dinning table everyone looks towards them and smile . Rabia said her salam to everyone and Farhad guide her to sit beside him and just he sat and she was going to sit beside him aryan pull her hand make her sit between him and Zain . Farhad looking at this getting irritated because she is his wife she should sit beside him not with them .  But didn't said anything and eating his breakfast but he feeling   everyone eyes on him and looks at everyone and his dadajaan who now  giving  him a teasing smile and he arch his his eyebrow and as a sign to ask everyone what ?? But they ignore him and ask Rabia

Aryan : Rabia bhabhi , you know we are waiting for you so long , but you come now.

Rabia : Hnn, It's not my fault that I got late it's because of your brother.

Farhad : May I also know that why is my fault that you come late.

Rabia : Then who's  fault it is  . Mine.

Farhad : I don't know who's fault is it . But definitely not mine .

Hearing Farhad  , Rabia Started get angry and irritated so without thinking she said

Rabia : yes , it was me who is almost sleeping on someone else and when person is trying to come out I tightened my hold and also off my alarm . Right?? What If I got breathless then because of your weight.

Rabia said a in one breath and Farhad looking at her like 'what is the need to say all this ' and everyone is looking at her with open mouth and wide eyes.

Zain knows about his brother sleeping till late but he don't know that he sleeps on his bhabhi . As a dramatic person he is , started saying

Zaina : whattt??? Bhabhi are you ok . Bhai are you trying to kill my bhabhi by sleeping on her.

When he said this Farhad look at him like - yeah she only is your bhabhi and not my wife , and hearing Rabia realise what she said and blunder she did. And looks towards everyone.

Arima : Am I dreaming ? My son , our Farhad was the one who sleeps this late ??

Emal : How can it is possible.

Bi-jaan: Are you sure Rabia , Farhad is sleeping??

Rabia : Yes , bi-jaan he is sleeping like a log and I also show Zain this and why are you all this much shocked.

Then Zain said ,

Zain : Yes , I also told you all but you didn't believe me .

Farhat : Bhabhi , Bhai has insomniac he didn't sleep at all sometimes and you are saying Bhai is sleeping this late . That's why we are all shocked.

Rabia : Really, but he is really sleeping like it is the most important work he is doing in the whole world.

Farhad : done  everyone. Now you all are done doing discussion on my sleeping habits can I have breakfast.
And come sit here Rabia , you are getting so much influence by Zain.

Rabia going to sit on the same place ignoring Farhad but he give her a look and she sat beside him and started eating breakfast.

After sometime she thank god because everyone only focus get Farhad late sleep and  not she blurt out . She took a sigh and just then Farhad bent to her ear and said

Farhad : We will talk in detail about me sleeping on you begum hmm.

And she instantly looks towards him but he just eating like he didn't said anything.

After sometime everyone comes to enterence of the palace and started sitting in their cars and first elders sat and drove to their village haveli and lastly all the younger's are left . Zain and aryan already  decided with Rabia  to sit with Rabia and like their lovely sister she is accepted.

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