Chapter ~ 12

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In evening, ladies got ready and also make Rabia ready  according to rituals . Then they all gather in the small garden with a small pond in the middle and covered with long walls. And for the first ritual they make her ready in a red cloth wrapped around her and then all ladies start to apply haldi on her . And after god knows how long  they started pour water on her and after that they make her ready in white cloth type of saree and then take her in the pool which  fills with milk and rose petals . They took Rabia and make her sit on a stool in the pool .

On the other side in the haveli all man was sitting in hall and talking with each other

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On the other side in the haveli all man was sitting in hall and talking with each other. Suddenly a man come running and told Farhad that there are intruder in the haveli.  We caught a person and we got information that there are 2 woman are also with them in the ladies section where  the rituals are happening. They come to harm Mir Bibi (Rabia) .

Farhad after listening to him just ran towards where the ladies garden and just straightly went towards Rabia and found her in the pool and ladies around her and pouring milk from the pond on her . Womens gasp when he saw Farhad but he didn't paid any heed towards them and just wrapped his shawl around Rabia and lift her in his arms and look around found 2 men standing in the side of the bush near wall and hiding from everyone. He signal his mens to come and capture them from his eyes and after left from there carrying her in his arms . After reaching in the room he sat on the sofa with her on his lap and asks

Farhad: Do you get hurt ? Are you feeling pain somewhere in your body ??

Rabia who was shocked so much, and processing whatever happened till now looking towards him like a small child just shook her head in no .
Farhad leave a sigh and place his head on her crook of neck and inhale deeply and hug her from her body .

Farhad : I got scared .

After listening him she also hug him and started caressing his hair to make him relax and after sometime he finally broke the hug and looks at her face and realised how much close they are and his shawl is also slip from her shoulder to her hips and her hair and her saree is also wet which is sticking to her body like a second skin and looks towards at her waist which is available for his eyes and after that he closed his eyes took a deep breath to control him and looks at her eyes and kissed her forehead and said to change her clothes and rest for a while. But Rabia question him

Rabia : Farhad , what happened downstairs??

Farhad : It's nothing, you just rest.

Rabia : I am asking you something. And I have right to know.

Farhad : Some intruders had come with the mureeds to harm you . You don't  stress yourself everyone and everything is fine you took shower and change your clothes r else you got sick.

Rabia: I also want to meet them .

Farhad : There is no need of yours to meet them .

Rabia : I said I want to meet them .

Farhad : Why are stuck on one thing .

Rabia : I don't stuck on one thing. You are denying me.

Farhad :  Ok , Meet them tomorrow.

Rabia : Ok , Fine .

Farhad: You are so stubborn.

Rabia : I am . But don't you think you realised so late because you know me from childhood.

Farhad : Yes , I know you are stubborn but I thought maybe you got mature but no you are still same.

Rabia : What do you mean I am not mature  . Do you think I am still a  child??

Farhad : Yes , you are still that stubborn child.

Rabia : you , I am a very mature and successful woman. Ok

Farhad : No , you are child .

Rabia : I am a married woman. How can you called me a child??

Farhad pulled her to him by snaking his hand on her naked waist and stick her front to his front and started tracing his nose in her neck . By his actions Rabia got freeze in her place and clutches his shoulder with her nails digging in his skin and said

Rabia : What are you doing Farhad ??

Farhad : Nothing, you remind me that I am married. So I am romancing with my wife .

Farhad is started kissing her neck and Rabia started feeling weak on her knees by his actions.

Farhad is so in the moment that he didn't realise anything. Suddenly ,  Farhad phone started ringing and they come out in their moment and got separated and Farhad clear his throat and attend the call and Rabi goes to closet to took out clothes for her.

After that Farhad left to his basement and found those men he remembered they saw his wife . His every cell in the body filled with Rage and he sat Infront of those men and pluck out there eyes.

Farhad : See , if anyone look at my wife . What will happen to them .

And after that he said to womens

Farhad : Who send you ??

Woman 1 : No one , please leave us .

Farhad : Do you think I am dumb to believe in your lie

Woman 2 : We didn't do anything.

Farhad just told to ladies security to torcher them and leave from there .

After that he goes to his family and asked  about others women  present there  that they all are okay not . To which they said everything is okay . And almost rituals also completed so all the mureeds also leaved from there .

After checking everything he goes towards his room and get inside and what he saw made him shocked .


Yours writer
Eternal Sunshine 🌞

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