Chapter 1

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Cursed Beginnings

"You should probably give it up, kid." a doctor had said to Izuku. Inko Midoriya, his mother, panics at his sudden statement.

"Ah, is something wrong after all?" She hurriedly asks, "All the other kids have developed quirks at his school but him..."

"Excuse me, but you're fourth generation, right ma'am? May I as- about- quirk-?" The doctor's words had become muddled to Izuku, who had begun de-focusing on the conversation at present.

This was it, this was the exact moment I began to lose hope, he remembers. I should've taken the hint.

Izuku Midoriya, a fourteen-year-old teenager in their last year of junior high, reflects on this as he's confronted by his childhood "friend", Katsuki Bakugou. Throughout his life, Izuku had wanted to be a hero despite the harsh reality of the situation, that being his quirklessness.

Of course, Izuku had been doing everything he could to prove people wrong! He can be a hero! He's been studying others' quirks to improve his analytic skills! In hindsight, he wasn't doing much with that. All he did was build up a reputation as a nerd or creep, depending on who you asked.

Or both in Kacchan's eyes... Izuku feels a hand drop on his shoulder, drawing his attention from his mind back to Katsuki.

"So anyway, don't apply to UA, nerd," Bakugou says with a false smile on his face. "But, if you still want to become a hero, there's a quick way to do it!" Izuku foolishly allows himself hope.

"Take a swan dive off a roof and hope you'll be born with a quirk in your next life!" Katsuki and his lackeys laugh the threat off, walking away from the poor boy.

Izuku, angered at Kaccha- no, Bakugou's words, turns to face the boy with a look of pure hatred. Bakugou turns back, his hand sparking with explosions, a clear threat. The green-haired boy doesn't flinch but looks away from Bakugou, picks up his things, and leaves the school.

As Izuku walks out he finds a drenched notebook in a small koi pond. Bakugou had thrown his Hero Analysis for the Future notebook out the window during their confrontation.

Stupid Bakugou, he thinks. Telling me to die, who the hell does he think he is? Understandably, Izuku is angry, annoyed, and maybe even a little miffed. He scoffs, leaving the notebook in the pond.

As Izuku walks away, he feels a feeling he often has when he's angry or feeling any negative emotion. He's not sure how to explain it, but ever since that fated doctor's visit Izuku had been able to sense some weird aura around other people. It would be faint, but he swears he could sometimes see a blue aura around himself in the mirror when feeling negative emotions, sometimes even weird creatures on his walks home.

He had dismissed this as simple delusions made by his mind, trying to convince him that he does have a quirk. Trying to convince him that he can be a hero. Trying to convince him that he's not a Deku. He knows better now.

"Damn it, Bakugou," Izuku exclaims as he walks under an archway. "What should I do now? Being a hero was my one passion..."

As Izuku ponders on this, he senses a strange presence nearing him, trusting his instincts, Izuku bounds to his left, narrowly escaping being crushed by what looked like a creature from nightmares.

The being had a dark blue body, three deformed arms, and disgustingly yellow teeth. Frankly, Izuku didn't even know if this... thing was human.

"What the-" The creature slams one of it's disfigured arms into Izuku's chest, sending him flying into the tunnel's wall. Izuku is pretty sure he spat out some of his lunch.

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