Chapter 8

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Heroic Future

A week had passed since Izuku had taken the U.A. Entrance Exam. He sat in his old room in his mother's home, texting Megumi on his phone. He had done so quite frequently since finishing the exam. If Izuku was honest, he liked his room at Jujutsu High more now. 

- How's everyone at Jujutsu High?

- Good.

- Panda and Gojo agree that you passed the exam while Maki promises to beat you up if you fail.

- And Inumaki-senpai?

- Hopeful in your abilities to pass, same as me. You've developed quickly as a sorcerer.

- Thanks Fushiguro! If I get accepted, would you all like to come to my mom's for a meal? I know she'd like to have everyone over.

- I'll ask them. Your mom's cooking was delicious, I'd like to try it again.

Izuku recalled the last time Megumi visited, a week before the Entrance Exam Izuku had invited Megumi over to eat with him and his mother. They had an enjoyable time with Megumi being pleasantly surprised by the amazing food. Izuku texted Megumi a bit more before turning off his phone.

The green-haired sorcerer sat there on his bed staring at the ceiling above him. He was alone with his thoughts and they certainly were feeding into uncertainty.

What if I fail? What if all this training was for nothing? Would I be allowed to try again? Gojo-sensei would be so disappointed in me! They'll kick me out of Jujutsu High or something!

"No, they wouldn't, Izuku is snapped out of his musings by Inko who enters his noticeably empty room. Izuku notes to get some more merch to fill his room back up again, he carried practically all of it to his dorm at Jujutsu High.


"Izuku, they won't give up on you that simply. You're not some exploitable unit to everyone else." Inko sits next to Izuku on his bed. "Sweetie, you need to learn that these people continue to be around you simply because they like you. Nothing will change that, and sure you may disappoint them at times, but no matter what they'll stick by you. They wouldn't be real friends if they didn't." Izuku wipes forming tears from his eyes and nods to his mother.

"Y-yeah, you're right. Thanks, Mom. I honestly don't know what I was thinking." He really didn't.

"It's no problem," Inko replied. "Honestly, I have no idea what sort of things were going on in Aldera for you to become so timid, and it's not like you'll tell me." Inko sighs, "But I suppose you'll tell me when you're ready." 

Izuku looked slightly sheepish at the mention of Aldera. He honestly had forgotten all about the school and how he was treated there, however, that reminded him that he had seen Katsuki for the first time in months at the exam, if only briefly. 

If Izuku was being honest, he fully expected Katsuki to pass the exam. He was too talented not to, and that irked him a bit. His feelings on Katsuki were admittedly muddied especially after what he had said last time Izuku saw him at Aldera. Izuku just hoped that he wouldn't have to interact with him much more  ̶i̶f̶  when he was accepted at U.A.

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