Chapter 4

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Cursed Education

It was the next day after Izuku and Gojo had gathered all of Izuku's belongings from the Midoriya household. The two had realized they had to unenroll Izuku from Aldera first, as well as inform Jujutsu High of Izuku's oncoming arrival. The entire ordeal led to Izuku leaving his home the next day instead. 

Either way, Izuku and Gojo had exited a vehicle, with Izuku carrying a duffel bag and rolling a medium-sized suitcase behind him. They stood in front of a large set of stairs, leading into what Izuku believed was Mount Mushiro.

"The school grounds are past these flights of stairs. Hope you're ready for a bit of exercise!" Gojo hops up the first few steps, turning to wait on Izuku. The green-haired boy dressed in black shorts and a simple white shirt that read "T-Shirt" nodded quickly, pulling the suitcase up the flight of stairs.

The two individuals continued up the stairs for a while, Izuku getting winded a couple of times but continuing onwards. It was about halfway there that Izuku decided to ask a question.

"G-gojo-sensei!" Izuku calls the white-haired blindfolded man's attention. "Is this even still Tokyo? It's so far off!" 

"Yep! It's on the very outskirts of Tokyo, out of the way from the public eye. Speaking of which, the school is protected by a barrier to stop any intruders from entering the premises unwanted." Gojo informed the boy. "I already put in word for your arrival, so don't worry about bonking your noggin against an invisible forcefield, haha!" Izuku nods in affirmation, continuing up the stairs after his sensei.

Eventually, the two made it up the long staircase and arrived at what almost looked like a pagoda. Several buildings of traditional Japanese architecture were seen, Izuku was pretty sure he even saw a couple of sakura trees.

"This place is beautiful..." He marveled. Gojo smirks and pushes Izuku onward, the two of them taking a right and moving on to a particular building that had several doors running across the side of it.

"These are the dormitories. Every student takes one room to have for the rest of their tenure on campus. Some sorcerers continue to use the school even after graduation as a sort of base," Gojo explained. "Take your pick." 

Izuku quickly runs towards each door, opening them to see inside and moving on to the next. One door he opened had several items already in it, although it did look a bit gloomy.

"Who's room is this, sensei?" Izuku had asked.

"Oh, that's Megumi's room," Gojo answered before peering inside the room himself. "A bit bland though, I should buy a teddy bear or something to keep 'lil Megumi company." 

I have a feeling he wouldn't like that. Izuku thought before closing the door. He checked several more rooms before finally choosing one 3 doors from Megumi's. The dorm room admittedly looked pretty similar in format to his room at home. 

"I'll choose this one!" Izuku immediately entered the room and began unpacking, several pieces of All Might merchandising were set up on shelves and walls, and a desk in the left corner was filled with some All Might figures, a lamp, his laptop, and a calendar on the wall. 

He had set up his bed quickly, with an All Might-themed alarm clock on the desk to the left of the bed. Izuku had also packed all of his clothing away, emptying the duffel bag and suitcase finally. Honestly? He expected that to take longer. Only took around 20 minutes for Izuku to pack everything. 

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