Chapter 5

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Cursed Training

Izuku hit the ground with a huff, arms wide to his sides and he breathed heavily. Maki Zenin stood above him, putting her hands to her side after putting Izuku down. 

"That was horrible," Maki commented. "It's like you're not even trying." 

"I am trying! You're just super strong, Zenin-senpai." Izuku replies, slowly getting up. 

"I thought I told you to call me Maki. And cut it out with the "senpai"." 

"Y-yes! Sorry Maki-senpai!" Maki groans and rolls her eyes. Panda and Toge had approached after the two's spar, with Panda tossing a water bottle to Izuku which he caught. 

"You've improved quite a bit since you've started sparring with us, Midoriya," Panda observed. "You're a fast learner, you caught on to Maki's combat tendencies very quickly."

"Salmon," Toge added.

"Thanks, you too," Izuku chugged his water bottle before sighing in contentment. "I still need to work on my physical strength in general though."

"Yeah, cuz you're built like a twig." Maki chimed in after taking a sip of water from her bottle. 

"That's the second time I've been called that..." Izuku remarked quietly. 

For the three days Izuku has been staying at Jujutsu High, he had been working on physical conditioning with the second years and sparring with Panda and Maki to work on his combat ability. He has yet to work on manipulating his cursed energy, although Gojo said he planned something for that.

Just as the small group had prepared to do some runs around the track, Gojo had arrived, beckoning Izuku over. 

"Yo, Midoriya! Come here real quick!" Gojo called out to the group. Izuku ran over to his sensei, picking up a small bag with extra clothing on the way.

"Are we going to work on my cursed energy manipulation now?" Izuku asked excitedly. Gojo did a thumbs-up while smiling.

"Yep! Sorry to cut your time with the second years short but let's get going!" Izuku nodded, following Gojo towards. 

Gojo soon led Izuku into a basement area of the school, filled with only a dresser and a TV on top of it. The room looked eerie if Izuku was being honest with himself. 

"I came up with an amazing idea to help you manipulate your cursed energy!" Gojo stated, sitting Izuku down on a couch stationed in front of the TV. "You'll watch numerous movies of various themes and topics to get your emotions going. While you're watching, you'll be generating cursed energy passively as a result of your emotions. Your job is to learn to consciously manipulate that energy while also not outputting too much emotion." Izuku nodded in affirmation. 

"So because of the emotions flaring because of the movies you'll have me watch, I'll generate cursed energy and because of that I'll learn to use it on purpose?" Izuku surmised from Gojo's words.

"You got it! Now, I only have ten movies for you to watch right now, this entire strategy is something I only recently thought of. You'll be watching these ten movies and once you're done, we'll see where you're at." Gojo places ten DVDs in front of Izuku, ranging from romance to horror movies. "I'm hoping this works, I have zero idea if it will! But oh well! Have fun, be back in a bit!" Gojo exited the secluded room, leaving Izuku to his devices.

Why do I feel like this is so that he won't have to instruct me directly? Izuku thought. He slotted in the first DVD without further ado and began his "training".

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