Chapter 6

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Cursed Training

Three months had passed since Izuku truly began his training at Jujutsu High. The school year hadn't started because of an event that had transpired a few months prior, specifically in December. Before Izuku could ask Gojo about it the man had clammed up, Izuku assumed the topic was pretty sensitive and dropped it. The year would officially start in April of 2119, which Gojo complained was a waste of time for the students, but the higher-ups overruled him. 

In any case, Izuku saw this as more time to properly prepare for the Entrance Exams and learn more Jujutsu. Gojo however found a way for the students to pass the time waiting for the next year of classes to begin.

"Missions!" He loudly announced, throwing jazz hands in the air. Izuku, Maki, Toge, Panda, and Megumi were gathered in one of the school's classrooms, brought there by Gojo for an announcement.

"Assigned by the higher-ups?" Megumi had asked immediately. 

"Nope! Me!" 

"How will that work?" Maki jumped in.

"Simple, every week I will give you all a cursed spirit to exorcise depending on your current Grade. You all will be randomly grouped as well if you both can handle the curse assigned," Gojo explained. "This is a way for us to not get rusty during the lengthy break. Oh, and of course, you all will be financially compensated for exorcising the curse!" The entire classroom nodded in understanding but Izuku raised his hand. "Yes?" 

"I- uh- You didn't tell me my Grade..." Izuku timidly admitted. 

"OH, right, I guess I did forget to give you your assigned Grade after all this time." Gojo vanishes for a second before reappearing in front of Izuku's desk. "Here you go." Izuku takes the card Gojo presented to him and examines it. It seemed like a standard school ID card, only it presented him with his Sorcerer Grade on it.

Grade 3... Izuku reflected. 

"In any case, I already have some curse assignments for you all!" Gojo then handed everyone tiny slips of paper indicating their partners and assigned cursed spirit sightings. Izuku analyzes his paper to see his partner and mission. Megumi Fushiguro looks towards him at the same time after studying his own paper.

"Midoriya," Megumi called out.

"Fushiguro," Izuku responded in kind. The two nodded at one another, understanding that they were partners in this mission. I haven't seen Fushiguro fight much in my three months here, but when I did I saw he was extremely skilled in close quarters, probably even more so when fighting with one of his shikigami. Izuku thought, remembering the twin wolves Megumi had summoned. 

Looking at the paper again, Izuku was surprised to see the cursed spirit they were assigned to exorcise was in Musutafu, specifically near Takoba Municipal Beach Park. Izuku recalled that the area was basically a trash dump nowadays, no wonder a cursed spirit formed. Lots of negativity would likely form in an area like that.

"It does make sense," Megumi commented, startling Izuku to where he almost fell out of his seat but quickly recovered. He heard Maki giggle at his expense from behind him and quietly groaned. 

"I muttered that out, didn't I?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, you did." Izuku groaned again before sitting up and looking at the paper. 

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